Dr. Judy Mikovits: Deadly 'Chinese' Bio-Lab?
‘Chinese’ Bio-Lab Busted By FBI
At least 20 infectious pathogens have been found in an unlicensed biolab in California.
Dr. Judy Mikovits joins us to discuss the lab and who is responsible for it.
She believes the company behind the biolab is not Chinese.
Why was it located next to a U.S. military base near Fresno CA?
Dr. Mikovits says this is nothing new; and the samples in the lab came from Reno NV.
This lab was storing cell lines that were isolated from people with various diseases.
Forces within the American government are responsible for biolabs located across the nation.
American taxpayer $ have been used to create pathogens that are released into the public — to make us lifelong customers of Big Pharma.
The FBI likely raided the lab to cover up and control the narrative.
The Stew Peters Show | 2 August 2023