Anonymous ID: 43c561 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.19290525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0546


>Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty

"Theyyyyy steal your money"

Reality: Nazis stole it, based on tax laws passed by Hitler

"Theeeyyyy poison you"

Reality: Nazis poisoned people with vaccines

"Theeeeyyyy want you dead"

Reality: Nazis killed millions and millions of white people

"Theeeyyyyy are corrupt"

Reality: Nazis were corrupt as fuck, for example released a banker for tons of money, no trial, you get released when you give them monies

"Theeeeyyyy are evil"

Reality: Nazis were evil in tons of ways. t-4. Died suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Arbeit macht frei"

means if you don't work, you deserve to starve. Using the population as cattle, literally.

"We love families"

Reality: lie, all they wanted are birthing machines to have tons of blood shed in the pre-planned world war. They don't gave a shit about families, otherwise they wouldn't have forced families to send their children to socialist indoctrination camps, which they did, like all socialists.

Anonymous ID: 43c561 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.19290821   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and I thought in that movie it was pigs in power actually.


"He made a rule that allowed the pigs to have better food and that forced all of the other animals to work crazily hard every day and night. That wasn’t enough, Napoleon wanted more power."


Sounds like Nazis in fact.


"So this selfish pig, Napoleon, destroyed what the animals built (the windmill) and blamed Snowball who escaped the farm. Then Napoleon made the animals work harder and harder, making the animals very weak and even die. If any of the animals were clever like Napoleon, he would just order an execution to get rid of them."


Really makes you think.

[x] work work work harder!!!

[x] it's THESE people (false accusations)

[x] makes the population weak (with vaccines and other means)

[x] execute opposition / anyone who goes against the Nazi order (including defending their own country of course)


Sounds like the average Nazi.

Anonymous ID: 43c561 Aug. 3, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19291213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you "call out" no one, faggot fed

it's copybasta spam and baseless hatred against millions of people, which makes zero sense to anyone with even a brain of an ant and to anyone that wants actual justice against actual criminals.


>Q used to post here when people

So now you try to connect your FED spam posts to Q.

As if Q would have quietly agreed with your FED posts.

Nice try there.

But Q posted after the coup against the Nazi staff on here.