Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.19290417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0863 >>0948 >>1126

3 Aug, 2023 12:07

Russia has emerged from sanctions crisis – Kremlin

Now is the time for rapid economic development, the presidential spokesman has said


Russia has finally overcome the economic downturn caused by Western sanctions and can now take steps to rapidly develop its economy, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.


Speaking at a youth forum in the Moscow region, Peskov noted that that according to all forecasts,Russia should have "fallen into an abyss both economically and socially" after the sanctions were imposed. Butthat failed to happen, he said.


"We have emerged from the crisis, and our prospects for rapid development are good by today's standards. This is a unique situation. You will study how this was possible andwhere our country, our people found such strength," he told the forum participants.


According to Peskov, among the many factors that enabled Russia to withstand the large-scale sanctions pressure are patriotism and a sense of belonging among the people.


After the start of Russia's military operation in Ukraine last year, Western countries imposed several rounds of sanctions against Moscow, targeting its banking sector, government debt, energy, and other industries.


Last week, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) was expected to grow by more than 2% this year, and that the growth would fully cover the economic decline the country saw in 2022. He warned however, that Western sanctions could still have a negative impact in the medium term.


Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in April that Western countries, particularly the European Union, had exhausted their options for sanctions that could hurt Russia.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:04 a.m. No.19290427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Aug, 2023 07:17

Ukrainian drones downed in Western Russia

Seven unmanned aircraft were intercepted over Kaluga Region


Russia has shot down seven Ukrainian drones as they traveled over Kaluga Region, civilian and military officials report. Kiev recently attempted two UAV attacks on the Russian capital.


The interception of six UAVs was first reported on Thursday morning by the region’s governor, Vladislav Shapsha, who said the aircraft were trying to fly across the territory.


Kaluga Region lies between Moscow Region in the northeast and Bryansk Region in the southwest, with the latter bordering Ukraine. There were no casualties or damage on the ground, the governor said.


The report was confirmed by the Defense Ministry, which said the drones were downed by air defense forces before they could be used in a terrorist attack. Later in the day, Shapsha reported that a seventh aircraft was shot down by the air defenses.


Ukrainian UAVs reached Moscow last Sunday and again on Tuesday, both times hitting the city’s financial district. The military said both incidents happened after electronic countermeasures were deployed against the aircraft.


Mikhail Podoliak, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, bragged after the second attack that Moscow was “rapidly getting used to a full-fledged war” and stated that there will be “more unidentified drones” in the future.


Russian officials claim that Kiev is increasingly using terrorist tactics, after failing to produce battlefield successes during its much-lauded summer ‘counteroffensive’.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.19290457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476 >>0863 >>0891 >>0948 >>1126

3 Aug, 2023 10:39

Kiev has no ‘counteroffensive schedule’ – security chief

Aleksey Danilov’s remarks come as Ukrainian attacks remain bogged down by Russian defenses, according to Moscow


There is no timetable for making progress in Ukraine's much-touted counteroffensive, Aleksey Danilov, the head of its National Security and Defense Council, has said. His comments come amid reports that the country's Western backers are frustrated by Kiev's failure to make substantial battlefield gains.


Speaking on national TV on Wednesday, Danilov stressed that “no one but us can impose deadlines” and “there is no schedule”for the counteroffensive which Moscow says has not managed to gain any ground.


He also lashed out at those who raise the issue in the first place, insisting that only “those who don’t understand what war means” indulge in such speculation.


According to Danilov, he has never used the word “counteroffensive” to describe the ongoing fighting in Ukraine. “There are military actions, they are complex, difficult, [and] depend on many factors,” the official explained. He added that Kiev’s troops have adopted a NATO system which he said means that it is up to local commanders to choose a particular tactic to accomplish a greater objective.


He also pointed out that Russian troops prepared formidable defenses to meet the counteroffensive. “The number of mines that… our military has to overcome is simply insane,”Danilov acknowledged, adding that while some believed Western equipment would help Ukraine advance, those hopes have been dashed, as in many areas progress can only be made on foot.


After months of preparation, Ukrainian troops launched a major attack against Russian lines in early June but failed to take any ground, according to Moscow. On July 11, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Kiev had lost more than 26,000 service members since the start of the push. He later claimed that Ukraine had lost nearly 21,000 soldiers in the last month alone.


Meanwhile, reports by CNN and Financial Times, published in late June, indicated that Kiev’s allies in the West were disappointed with its progress on the battlefield, with FT sources suggesting that further military support could be contingent on the campaign’s outcome.


Another recent report from Politico indicated that "if Ukraine’s supporters were hoping for a breakthrough… they were sorely disappointed," with one of the outlet's sources saying that gains "are being measured in the hundreds of meters."


Ukrainian officials, however, have blamed the difficulties on the lack of Western-supplied munitions and shipment delays. The recurring complaints led to a spat with Warsaw when Marcin Przydacz, head of the international policy bureau within the Polish presidential administration, insisted that Ukraine should be more grateful for the aid it receives from its neighbor. Kiev responded by summoning the Polish envoy and slamminghis comments as “unacceptable.”. (So gratitude is off the table by Ukraine. Kek)

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:20 a.m. No.19290542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0863 >>0948 >>1126

3 Aug, 2023 12:22

Moscow brushes off EU criticism over cheap grain supplies

Russia “absolutely” does not want to make Africa dependent, the Kremlin spokesman has said


Russia has no intention of making African nations over-reliant on its grain, contrary to what the EU leadership claimed in a letter quoted by the media, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.


The message was reportedly penned by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday, and warned that Moscow sought “to create new dependencies by exacerbating economic vulnerabilities and global food insecurity” though offering its agriculture products at discount prices to developing nations.


“This is absolutely not so,” Peskov told journalists on Thursday, when asked about the remark, which Reuters had published the day before. Russia remains a reliable supplier despite Western attempts to curb its exports, he said.


“We could have done more to meet the growing demand, if it were not for those sanctions, which are illegal under international law and which we have to act against,” he added.


Borrell’s letter was sent to the governments of developing nations and members of G20, according to Reuters. It mostly reiterated Brussels’ public position on the Russian withdrawal from the Black Sea Initiative. Under the scheme, the Russian military granted safe passage to commercial ships transporting Ukrainian grain.


The EU denies that its economic sanctions on Russian financial and maritime sectors impact the ability to deliver food and fertilizer to foreign markets. Borrell branded statements to the contrary “lies” in a scolding statement on Tuesday.


“Russia is now approaching vulnerable countries, notably in Africa, with bilateral offers of limited grain shipments, pretending to solve a problem it created itself. This is a cynical policy of deliberately using food as a weapon,”the denouncement said, mirroring the quotes from the letter.


The Russian government said that contrary to Western assurances, private companies are hesitant to provide services to Russian ships, while restrictions on financial transactions undermine the competitiveness of Russian exporters. Borrell claimed in the letter that the EU had a policy for “preventing over-compliance and de-risking activities.”


Moscow has said it would be willing to reconsider its pullout from the grain deal as soon as the UN delivers on a promise to facilitate Russian exports. The pledge was made a year ago, when the agreement was signed. But Russia will no longer give concessions in exchange for promises of progress on the issue, Kremlin officials have stressed.


(Borrell is explaining how they create the Hegelian dialect in all the EU does! They are just jealous Russia has found ways around their sanctions by helping poorer countries. And Russia deserves credit for honoring the basis of the grain deal, and establishing good relationships in Africa)

Hegelian dialectic is ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION’ and how it works is like this:

The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.


The people react by asking the govt for protecton and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem.


Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occured.


What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.19290738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0755 >>0863 >>0948 >>1126

3 Aug, 2023 04:54

US soldier dies after truck plows in to convoy in Germany

The incident marks the second crash involving an American tactical vehicle in the European country this week alone


A US Army soldier stationed in Germany was killed after thearmored vehicle she was traveling inas part of a US convoy was struck by a civilian semi-truck on Tuesday, according to the Pentagon and local authorities.


Assigned to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, thevictim was peering out of her Stryker vehicle’s roof hatchat the time of the collision, with its heavy door hitting her in the head and inflicting such injuries that “she died a short time later in a nearby hospital,” according to Juergen Harwardt, chief superintendent of the Weiden police.


US Army Europe and Africa announced the fatal crash in a statement on Wednesday, noting that it had taken placeon an autobahn in Germany’s Bavariaregion the day before. US officials have declined to name the service member pending notification of her next of kin, though German police confirmed she was a 24-year-old female.


“The soldier was traveling in a Stryker when a civilian semi-truck struck the military vehicle as it merged onto Autobahn 93,” the military said in a press release, referring to a type of armored fighting vehicle. “Civilian medical personnel treated and transported the soldier to a local hospital, where the medical staff pronounced the service member dead.”


Local law enforcement added that the crash occurred after the armored vehicle merged onto the highway as part of a convoy, saying a German truck driver was unable to switch lanes in time. It is unclear whether the soldier was wearing a helmet during the wreck.


No other injuries were reported among US troops following the smash-up.


The US military is currently conducting a round of drills in Germany, with the southeastern town of Weiden located not far from the Grafenwoehr Training Area, the largest Army training site in Europe.


Last week saw another crash involving US Army personnel stationed in the area, after a driver lost control of a light medium tactical vehicle while on the way to a range near the Grafenwoehr complex. Though the vehicle overturned, the eight soldiers inside sustained only minor injuries.


Tuesday’s accident also follows an incident earlier this year which sawtwo Army trucks carrying “tons of missiles and munitions” collideon a German freeway, as reported by Stars and Stripes. One American soldier was seriously injured in the crash and required an airlift to a hospital, while three others were wounded less severely.


(Don’t they drive like 90 mph on the Autoban?)

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19290782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0948 >>1126

2 Aug, 2023 18:22

CIA moderating Wikipedia – former editor

Intelligence agencies have been manipulating the online encyclopedia for more than a decade, Larry Sanger has claimed


Wikipedia is one of many tools used by the US liberal establishment and its allies in the intelligence community to wage “information warfare,” the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald.


Speaking on Greenwald’s ‘System Update’ podcast, Sanger lamented how the site he helped found in 2001 has become an instrument of “control” in the hands of the left-liberal establishment, among which he counts the CIA, FBI, and other US intelligence agencies.


“We do have evidence that, as early as 2008, that CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia,” he said. “Do you think that they stopped doing that back then?”


Activity by the CIA and FBI on Wikipedia was first made public by a programming student named Virgil Griffith in 2007. Griffith developed a program called WikiScanner that could trace the location of computers used to edit Wikipedia articles, and found that the CIA, FBI, and a host of large corporations and government agencies werescrubbingthe online encyclopedia ofincriminating information.


CIA computers were used to remove casualty counts from the Iraq War, while an FBI machine was used to remove aerial and satellite images of the US prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. CIA computers were used to edit hundreds of articles, including entries on then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, China’s nuclear program, and the Argentine navy.


Some edits were more petty, with former CIA chief William Colby apparently editing his own entry to expand his list of accomplishments.


“[The intelligence agencies] pay off the most influential people to push their agendas, which they’re already mostly in line with, or they just develop their own talent within the [intelligence] community, learn the Wikipedia game, and then push what they want to say with their own people,” Sanger told Greenwald.


“A great part of intelligence and information warfare is conducted online,” he continued, “on websites like Wikipedia.”


Earlier this year, X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk released a trove of documents showing how the platform’s former executives colluded with the FBI to remove content the agency wanted hidden, assisted the US military’s online influence campaigns, and censored “anti-Ukraine narratives” on behalf of multiple US intelligence agencies.


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also admitted that Facebook, the biggest social media platform on Earth, censored accurate information that was damaging to President Joe Biden’s 2020 election campaign at the direct request of the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.19290908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0948 >>1126

2 Aug, 2023 12:04

Ukraine still legally a member of post Soviet CIS block – Moscow

Over 150 international agreements signed under the auspices of the organization continue to apply to Kiev, a Russian diplomat claims


Moscow has said that Ukraine remains part of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) despite having terminated dozens of agreements that were signed within the framework of the organization.


According to Mikael Agasandyan, director of the first department of CIS countries at the Russian Foreign Ministry,statements that Ukraine has left the organization are false because Kiev has never formalized its exit.


Ukraine de jure remains in the organization,”even if it does not participate in the work of the Commonwealth and has denounced nearly 80 agreements within its framework, Agasandyan told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.


The diplomat noted thatKiev is still legally beholdento around 150 international agreements signed under the auspices of the CIS, most of which are related to trade, economy, and humanitarian efforts.


Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko announced in May 2018 that he had signed a decree on ending Kiev’s participation in CIS statutory bodies. However, the executive committee of the CIS to this day maintains that it has not received any official documents on Ukraine’s withdrawal from the organization.


In July 2019, the chairman of the CIS Executive Committee, Sergey Lebedev, extended an invitation to the newly elected Ukrainian president, Vladimir Zelensky, to attend the CIS summit. However, he acknowledged that Kiev had ceased participating in a number of treaties and agreements within the CIS since the 2014 Maidan coup.


In June of this year, Ukraine also formally rescinded its participation in an agreement on the exchange of legal information between CIS countries.


The CIS was founded in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and consisted of 11 former Soviet republics. Today, there are nine member states, including Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The CIS focuses on economic, political, and military affairs and hosts a number of agreements on trade, finance, lawmaking, and security.


(So Ukraine still remains for the benefits but won’t abide by other treaties. It seems they won’t leave because of the benefits them financially. Derrick Johnson pointed this out last year.)

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.19291128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133

The Truth About Niger and France!

1 Aug, 2023 16:23

Rachel Marsden: France loses its uranium meal ticket in Niger


Paris has vowed to protect its interests in the country, which cut off supplies of the critical material after a coup


French President Emmanuel Macron was quick to react to a domestic conflict happening 6,000km away from Paris, saying that France would respond immediately to any violence towards French interests in the wake of a coup in the former French colony of Niger.What could it possibly be about uranium-rich Niger that has Macron so worried?


The coup’s leaders have made it clear that any outside intervention would be met with force. They also accused France of wanting to intervene militarily to reinstate the deposed president. French Foreign Affairs Minister Catherine Colonna rejected the suggestion, saying that “France’s only priority is the safety of our nationals.” Where have we seen that kind of coyness before?How about Libya, where a French-led ‘humanitarian’ mission to protect African civilians ultimately devolved into a Western-backed coup against the national leader?


Where would the coup leaders in Niger possibly have gotten the idea that France had any interest in intervening militarily in its former colony anyway? It might have something to do with a statement put out by the French presidential palace on Sunday, saying that “anyone attacking French nationals, the army, diplomats and interests would see France respond immediately and intractably.”


And by French interests, they especially mean one thing in particular –uranium. _Niger is France’s top supplier of the mineral, providing 15% of the country’s total supply and a fifth of the European Union’s__. It’s an absolutely critical element for powering France’s nuclear reactors. France’s energy independence is, ironically, dependent on Niger. It’s like the rich kid who drives a Ferrari provided by daddy but comes across as a self-made success at first glance. So it’s not hard to imagine that uranium is rather high on the list of those French interests that Paris insists on protecting.


The incentive for France to intervene in Niger is certainly growing since the junta now in chargehas cut off exports of both uranium and gold to France. All of this comes at a really bad time for Paris, which has become even more reliant on its nuclear power after cutting itself off from cheap Russian gas with the rest of the EU to impress Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky – in the same way that college frat guys get hyped up and then do dumb things like jumping off the roof to impress girls.


Germany is already on the verge of deindustrializing because Europe’s economic engine can’t run on wind and Sun. Who knew? Apparently not Berlin. But at least France hadn’t completely bought into Berlin’s green fantasies and mothballed all its nuclear plants, though Macron was certainly heading in that direction.


So, Plan B after the Russian gas cutoff was to power them back up. Which France is now going to have to do without Niger’s uranium. But that shouldn’t be a problem, right? Because France has other suppliers, like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Except, who largely controls the transport of these supplies to Europe? Russian state nuclear power company Rosatom. That doesn’t really leave Paris with much wiggle room.


“I will be clear: France is not dependent on Russia for the operation of its nuclear power infrastructure,” French Energy Transition Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said last year. That’s because you still had Niger. So, what now?


Lost in all of these selfish foreign interests is the will of the citizens of Niger. The passion that France and the West have shown for reinstating the former president suggests that he was adequately catering to their needs. The outpouring of citizens in the streets, however, suggests that he wasn’t adequately catering to theirs….

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 7:43 a.m. No.19291133   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rachel Marsden: France loses its uranium meal ticket in Niger




Colonna suggested that the situation was ripe for exploitation by Russia, but whose fault is that?France’s longstanding military omnipresenceand relationships with leaders in the Sahel region of Africa have already resulted in being tossed out of the region, thereby creating a vacuum for new potential partnerships with these countries, particularly with nations that aren’t going to just serve as a Trojan Horse for US interests, as France tends to do.


When it comes to the conflict in Ukraine, Macron makes it all about the interests of the Ukrainians. But when unrest breaks out in Niger, it’s all about French interests. He said the quiet part out loud, for once. Maybe because Washington left him without talking points on an issue that’s of greater strategic importance to Europe than to America.


It wasn’t that long ago that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was undressing France on the world stage and exposing its colonial interests in all their glory. When she was in the opposition back in 2019, Meloni called the Franc of the Financial Community of Africa (a controversial currency used in 14 African countries, pegged to the euro and printed in France) the “colonial currency,” to which France “applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations.”


However Macron might try to dress up and his actions and frustrationsas ‘defending democracy’, when it comes to Africa, at this point, France is standing there on the world stage with its interests hanging out of its premium Lacoste boxers.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 8:02 a.m. No.19291233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1251


How Moscow chased France out of Africakek

Paris is pulling back, under pressure from Russian disinformation and Wagner Group mercenaries.

FEBRUARY 23, 2023


PARIS —The French flag was lowered for the last time in the Bila Zagré military camp in Burkina Faso on Sunday, marking the end of 13 years of a presence by French armed forces in the West African country.


France’s withdrawal from Burkina Faso comes at a time when you’re less likely to see the French tricolore in the capital Ouagadougou than the Russian red, white and blue, marking a rapid and stunning loss of influence for the former colonial power.


Around 400 French troops had been posted in Burkina Faso since 2010, as part of Paris’ efforts to stop hostage-takings and later to curb the expansion of terrorist groups in the broader Sahel region. In January, the French were given one month to leave the country — a decision that followed a period of growing instability in the country, including two coups d’état in 2022. (They accused France of making terrorism worse, like the UN does.)


The withdrawal from Burkina Faso is thethird setback for French President Emmanuel Macron, who promised a new approach to Africa when he came to power in 2017, one based on a “partnership of equals.”

In recent months, France has alsohad to leave MaliandCentral African Republic, raising fears of a domino effect across the continent as Macron winds down his country’sdecade-long Barkhane operationto fight against jihadists in the Sahel.


“It’s a real test for France,” said Seidik Abba, a writer from Niger and an Africa security studies specialist at the University of Valenciennes in France. “If it doesn’t want to see a contagion [across Africa], it has to change its approach.”


“In Burkina Faso, the situation is shaky,” Abba added. “Andnow in Chad and Niger, people want to see a new type of partnership with France.”


There are still about 6,000 French boots on the ground on the African continent, including 1,000 in Niger and 900 in the Ivory Coast, according to local reports.


The reasons for France’s waning influence in the Sahel region are multi-faceted, rooted in its colonial history and accelerated by local politics, but its troubles are also a consequence of Russia’s ambitions to expand its foothold on the continent, especially since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


The Elysée palace has taken note, however, and Macron is headed to Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Gabon next week, on the heels of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s tour of Mali, Mauritania and Sudan in January. (Of course France blames Russia)


As French troops are systematically ushered out, they are in some cases being replaced by mercenaries from Russia’s paramilitary organization Wagner Group — which is led by Vladimir Putin ally Yevgeny Prigozhin. In Burkina Faso, the country’s military leaders deny they have sealed a deal with the Wagner Group, but Russian mercenaries have been sighted in the country.

Backing up the Wagner boots on the ground, Russia is also waging sophisticated and coordinated information warfare, grossly misrepresenting France, which has so far struggled to effectively strike back.


“We have not built enough soft power,” conceded a French government official speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. “Our ambassadors must be more offensive when it comes to putting out counternarratives, instead of communicating only within institutional frameworks.”

In his defense review speech in November, Macron argued that the army should also focus on influence operations, in the face of disinformation campaigns and attempts to manipulate civilians — in particular in Africa.


“We will not be the enduring spectators of this evolution,” he said. “We must detect it without delay, and stop it — but using democratic [tools].”


French Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu visited Ivory Coast earlier this week for the second time in less than a year to discuss the conditions of France’s military presence in the region. As of press time, Lecornu was in Senegal.

And in an effort to fight back in the virtual sphere of diplomacy, France’s foreign affairs ministry has created a new unit to spot early signs of disinformation campaigns and provide French officials across the world with “a back office” to help respond to fake news operations, according to a French diplomat with knowledge of the operations….


(Really long article, worthwhile read except the propaganda)

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.19291259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1269


Western Africa has truly and completely thrown France out

Pallak KashyapOctober 14, 2022

West Africans are finally realising that the presence of an outsider in their lands will negatively impact their political, military and economic affairs. Therefore, they have taken a bold step in the interest of their countries by kicking out their former colonial power.


For long, France was able to maintain a hold on West Africa. But over the years, anti-French sentiment has grown in the region. France once had an active involvement in the internal matters of West Africa which has now vanished


Countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Chad, Mauritania, Guinea etc were once colonies of France, after independence their leaders began fresh ties with France in pursuit of economic development, military assistance, infrastructure projects and trade.


France is facing widespread criticism from governments and people in West Africa. These regimes and their citizens realise that France being in their countries is having dire repercussions on their overall growth, economy, security situation and military. Anti-French sentiment has developed in West Africa for some time now; people believe that if France continues to remain on their lands then it will not be in the best interest of their countries.


Economically, France’s share of market value in West Africa has fallen rapidly; French public and private companies’ control on the market is declining. Corporate players from France are finding it difficult to operate as most consumers are not interested in buying their products and services. West Africa’s foreign trade with France has witnessed a huge decline in its growth and value, as result French goods have suffered a major blow.


Militarily, France is struggling with setbacks after setbacks. France got involved in the security affairs of this region to eliminate the various Jihadist and rebel groups which were involved in terror attacks on civilians. Under Operation Barkhane, France took the lead in the West’s efforts in bringing peace in the Sahel region. It also created G5 Sahel, a military alliance to take on the Islamist groups and insurgents. However, Mali which used to be the most important member of G5 Sahel left it and Niger criticised it for its ineffectiveness. Later, France decided to withdraw its troops from West Africa as it was facing intense criticism.


Reasons for France’s exit


In the wake of France’s exit from West Africa, now the questions emerge as to what led to it. Why West African states which once had good diplomatic, economic and strategic ties with France, decided to get rid of their partnerships? There are several causes for the deterioration in the relations between West Africa and France.


Economically, China has become an important player in Africa. Chinese debt-diplomacy, which has embroiled African countries into huge debts, and presence of Chinese companies exploiting the rich resources, has pushed France away from West Africa. Five years ago, Germany became Europe’s top supplier to the region replacing France and The Netherlands has emerged as one of the major investors since most multinationals prefer it due to its lower corporate taxes.


France has been additionally losing out on its economic credibility as well, post the Barkhane debacle. The French have lost out on its economic stranglehold on West Africa.


The very purpose for France’s involvement in West Africa seems to not have been fulfilled.


All these developments in the economic, political, strategic and military matter clearly demonstrate why West Africa felt the need to kick out France. In order for countries in the region to grow, develop their economies, eliminate the violence perpetrated by terrorists and maintain stability, France has to go.Leaders in West Africa are taking an active role in getting rid of France.

Anonymous ID: 771a85 Aug. 3, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.19291283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19290595 Sound of Freedom expected to bring $200 Million in the box office Notable


The interesting aspect to the rise of this movie, its only been shown in the US and they are now working steadily to releasing it WW! Blockbuster is not a big enough word for the awakening its bringing!