Anonymous ID: 08a75d Aug. 3, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19292201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460 >>2609 >>2795 >>2888 >>2927

Jim Jordan Drops Receipts On Biden-Facebook Censorship Scheme


Update (1253ET): Shortly after publication, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) dropped a Twitter thread full of receipts showing the Biden administration's collusion with Facebook to suppress conservative speech.


"Since it’s a global pandemic, can we give agencies access to targeting parameters that they normally wouldn’t be able to?" said President Biden's digital director, Rob Flaherty, according to internal company communications.

Anonymous ID: 08a75d Aug. 3, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.19292205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460 >>2609 >>2793 >>2795 >>2888 >>2927

Bill Barr Covers for Deep State Again – Says Latest Trump Indictment Is Not About Free Speech When the ENTIRE CASE Is About Stealing First Amendment Rights


Bill Barr ran to CNN after President Trump’s latest indictment to cheer the end of free speech in America.


Bill Barr: I think it’s a legitimate case. I think, unlike the document case, it’s going to have issues of proof. It’s a more complicated case. They’re not attacking his First Amendment right. He can say whatever he wants, but that does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy. All conspiracies involve speech, and all fraud involves speech.


The entire case is built around the notion that government can control speech in America and can jail you if you step out of line.


It is the most un-American case in US history.


Stephen Miller said it best. Miller described the dangers of the latest political indictment against Trump with Eric Bolling on Wednesday night,


Stephen Miller: This indictment says, and not so many words, that if we, the Department of Justice and prosecutors at the Department of Justice believe that you, as a citizen or as an elected official are not telling the truth as we recognize it that we can throw you in jail.


Bill Barr is open to destroying individual rights in the country rather than speak the truth on this case. He is even worse than we thought.

Anonymous ID: 08a75d Aug. 3, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19292212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460 >>2609 >>2795 >>2860 >>2888 >>2927

Wikipedia Founder Larry Sanger to Glenn Greenwald: “CIA and FBI Use Wikipedia for Information Warfare”


Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger told Independent Journalist Glenn Greenwald that the CIA and FBI used Wikipedia for “information warfare” on Greenwald’s show System Update on Monday.


Greenwald ripped Wikipedia for its entry “Biden-Ukraine conspiracy theory,” saying “there is a mountain of evidence showing that Hunter Biden was paid $80,000 a month by Burisma executives.”


Burisma executives were “getting a lot in value in the way of access to Joe Biden, the most important US official on Ukraine. And yet, according to the Wikipedia article, this evidence doesn’t exist, it’s just a complete conspiracy theory.”


“Remember, this is supposed to be an ideology-free, neutral encyclopedia”, Greenwald scoffed.


“The very first sentence reads ‘The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of false allegations that Joe Biden, while he was Vice President of the United States, engaged in corrupt activities relating to his son, Hunter Biden, who was on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma,” Greenwald lambasted.


“As part of efforts by Donald Trump and his campaign in the Trump–Ukraine scandal, which led to Trump’s first impeachment, these falsehoods were spread in an attempt to damage Joe Biden’s reputation and chances during the 2020 presidential campaign”, the Wikipedia entry still reads.


“So notice: The Biden-Ukraine scandal is – according to Wikipedia – the ‘Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory’ but the Trump controversy involving Ukraine is ‘the Trump–Ukraine scandal’. Everything is written to comport with the liberal world view and the Democratic Party talking points”, Greenwald scoffed.


“If you gave the keys to Wikipedia to the DNC, this is exactly how they would write it”, Greenwald observed. The Wikipedia entry then goes on to blame the Ukraine allegations against Joe Biden on “proxies of Russian intelligence … including some close to former President Trump and his administration.”


“Can it be more blatant than that?” Greenwald skewers. “This is the site that is being heavily promoted by Google as the authoritative source of what is true and not about the world, and it reads like a monologue from the Rachel Maddow Show.”


Greenwald also blasted the Wikipedia article on The COVID-19 lab leak theory, which asserts that “The theory is highly controversial; most scientists believe the virus spilled into human populations… There is no evidence SARS-CoV-2 existed in any laboratory prior to the pandemic. … The idea that the virus was released from a laboratory … gained popularity in the United States through promotion by conservative personalities in early 2020, fomenting tensions between the U.S. and China. Scientists and media outlets widely dismissed it as a conspiracy theory.”


“Let me tell you a fact,” Greenwald harangued. “The view of the leading scientists in the US Department of Energy as well as the FBI is that the most likely explanation for how the Covid pandemic emerged is through the research that was being funded by the United States and conducted in the Wuhan lab. You would have no idea that was true – on one of the most important questions of the last decade: Where the Covid pandemic came from.”


“Every word (on Wikipedia) is designed to suggest that only right-wing conspiracy theorists would invest any plausibility in the theory that the virus came from a (lab) leak and not from a naturally occurring event, even though the top virologists in the world wrote to Dr. Fauci at the start of the pandemic and were adamant that the evidence was consistent with manipulation in a lab.”