Anonymous ID: 953e62 Aug. 3, 2023, 7:55 p.m. No.19294850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4852 >>4872 >>4887


So, I can't stand Kanye, but I can't figure out how Kanye got banned for saying he doesn't like Jews and repeating every anti-semitic trope available, but these guys:Economic Freedom Fightersstill get to keep their twitter account….


Now, I realize they didn't post the video of themselves encouraging violence…other people did that….


But isn't that a little too obvious in its approach to Twitter rules?


Even the most virulent racists on twitter don't cross the line and encourage violence on their accounts. They'll repeat every trope, post every racist meme, video or statistic that fits their narrative but they won't cross the line.


And Economic Freedom Fighters did NOT cross the line on their official account but they are clearly encouraging unfettered violence…


If memory serves me correctly, haven't Taliban and Iranian regime leaders been banned for encouraging the same?