Anonymous ID: 5c960e June 27, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.1929865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9920

In response to Q's question "Why are we a threat to them?", an anon posted "… we autists discern lies."


So true, so true. And such a powerful thing

We are dedicated to finding facts and stating the truth and discerning lies.


As people become confused about truth v. lies, good v. evil, this board is a touchstone for honest, thorough analysis.


Q gave us an exam to test our veracity and dedication to unbiased analysis when he posted the doctored Obama "speech" last week. What was said in that speech was consistent with what many of us believe about BHO. However, the board avoided confirmation bias and within a short time, declared the speech to be a misleading doctored version of a longer speech. (And after some more time, anons assessed the longer video of the speech and found reasons it might have been recorded after the Bilderberg? meeting rather than during it.)


In sum, we are a threat because through hivemind we are ardent and effective pursuers of facts and truth and discerners of lies and therefore a more credible source of information than the MSM, teachers, politicians, bureaucrats, entertainers, the elite or zealots of any stripe.


And many of y'all have a genius for spreading the truth through memes.