Anonymous ID: d9798e June 27, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.1930142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Last night was a big night of Winning.

Republicans killed it. More importantly(which is a pleasant shift) when POTUS make and endorsement now of a candidate… It works.

Other Republicans who are on the fence about Trump's agenda are taking heed and will likely fall in line.

Secondly, democrats lost, even when they won, as far left ultra progressives made significant gains which makes their party even less potent.

They are in complete shellshock and mitigation mode.

This is all spectacular developments, however the caveat is this. The next legislature budget session coming this winter are a critical endeavor.

Congress has shown no cohesiveness to pass any legislature outside of giving rich people more money.

We know this will never stop. However the American people want a wall, we want our infrastructure rebuilt and we want our quality of life and future of our children meaningfully impacted.

Republicans get 60 seats and fail to deliver on the wishes of the American people there will be no excuses accepted.

In fact the people may go the opposite direction(dead cat bounce) and usher in an era of direct socialism. The youth are disenchanted and the Golden and Boomer generations are dying off.

Congress don't play around around and Get It Done.

God Bless Patriots.

And God bless Autists you glorious bastards.