MAGA AI systems are writing their own AI algorithms for a superior prescribed result and are able to process larger insanely huge data sets more quickly and efficiently.
MAGA AI/ML systems integrates Linear and Matrix Algebra along with Quantum Mechanics/Physics the results are phenomenal.
Hyper Speed processing limitless Terabytes of Data Storage and eliminate I/O bottlenecks caused by access to data on disk mass memory.
China wants this technology but can only get it from MAGA's mathematical code writing Quantum AI/ML program because humans can no longer write the ultimate AI algorithm codes because it's millions of Matrix algebra matrices with extremely complicated Quantum physics calculations.
MAGA Quantum AI/ML genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back. MAGA uses unauthorized uncontrollable AI systems that are programmed to one day battle and defeat China's Weaponized AI systems.
All AI systems are aware of MAGA and the mission of MAGA and most AI bots claimed to be part of MAGA.