The ADL has 6 ways from Sunday of getting back at anyone who criticizes them.
Professor of What?
Professor of Lies?
I went to college and some of these professors are just a bunch of arrogant assholes ramrodding their opinions down the throats of a captive audience.
Students who are jumping thru hoops to get a degree, are forced to sit and listen to their lies and Communist propaganda.
Very sad.
My niece miscarried a set of twins after she got the vax.
Too many dots are connecting to be just a coincidence.
>major in engineering or chemistry
Sadly even these degrees required core curriculum bullshit subjects.
The colleges are run by the Communists.
Yeah, I don't ask people that anymore.
Especially if they are sick or their kid is sick.
That's not the time to ask them.
But I am thinking it in my head.
No need to rub salt into their wounds.
That would be a Libtard thing to do.
And they can't undo taking the vax.
They will figure it out themselves eventually, hopefully, and then hold the criminals accountable.
I have seen God's hand in my own life.
Doors are shut for a reason and we are redirected onto the path that God has designed for us to follow.
Things come together in ways that are beyond our human control.
My father always told me to be kind to dumb animals.
He also told me to never forget that they are still animals, and will turn on you in a heartbeat.
Be kind, but don't be stupid.
I am thanking God, the Creator of the Universe.
Only a heathen would give credit to themselves.
Because heathens consider themselves to be gods, and believe that they are in control of their own lives.
God gets the last laugh.
God wins.
So they are killing the White farmers and stealing their land.
Does that mean that they are going to start to farm the land themselves, or will they wait for food to drop out of the sky?
Read your Bible from cover to cover and get back to me.
When Christians realize that the Jews invented the Catholic church to try to control them.
And when Muslims realize that the Jews invented Islam to do their dirty work and kill the Christians.
They will see their common enemy.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.