Anonymous ID: dabf98 Aug. 5, 2023, 6:30 p.m. No.19306538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found another article which might be the one about which Trump mentioned regarding Pence:




He was in college fraternity & as is typical, they partied, but Mike, not so much. He did however play along, as he was frat president for being everybody's nice pal. However, seems disloyalty is natural for him due to his cowardice, but worse, he had no compunction against profiting from that disloyalty. On the night of a kegger, he could have stood his ground against partying by not participating, but no! Everybody's pal set that aside and participated in his own way, to appear as if he were going along. But the Dean shows up:


“'We know you’ve got a keg,' [he] told Pence…Typically…[a] brother would take the fall, claiming…the alcohol was his…sparing the house from…discipline.[But] Pence led the dean…to the kegs and admitted…they belonged to the fraternity.The…punishment was severe…The whole house was locked down.”…fraternity brothers were furious with him—but he…stay[ed] on good terms with the administration…in fact…after he graduated…the school offered him a job in the admissions office."


Even in religious convictions, he was wishy, washy:


"Despite…conversion to evangelical Christianity…he married…Karen, in a Catholic ceremony and until…mid‑’90s…referred to himself as…"evangelical Catholic".


"…he was careful to show respect for opposing viewpoints. 'Nobody ever left an interview not liking Mike..'"


His wanting to be everybody's friend keeps him from staying in the battle when he's needed most:


"…he wasn’t willing to win at all costs. When the race tightened in the homestretch, Pence faced immense pressure from consultants to go negative. A former adviser recalls heated conference calls in which campaign brass urged him to green-light an attack ad on his Democratic opponent, John Gregg. Pence refused. 'He didn’t want to be a hypocrite,' the former adviser says."


On the occasion he did enter arena, he did the half-step. Indiana GOP had passed law protecting businesses wishing to stand on convictions against homosexuals' demands. Pence signed law "in closed-press ceremony…surrounded by nuns, monks…lobbyists…photo of…signing…released…all hell broke loose."


Pence on This Week With George Stephanopoulos was there to defend the law as pro–religious liberty. Instead he "ineptly danced around question 'Does [it] allow [refusal of] service for a same-sex wedding?'" He refused to make a clear stand, handing the victory to the Leftists:


"After seven chaotic days, Pence caved and signed a revised version of the religious-freedom bill—but by then it was too late. His approval ratings were in free fall, Democrats were raising money to defeat him in the next gubernatorial election, and the political obituaries were being written. Things looked grimmer for Pence, and the religious right, than they ever had before."


That's when Trump stepped in:


"Deliverance manifested itself to Mike Pence on the back nine of Donald Trump’s golf course in New Jersey. It was the Fourth of July weekend…"


When the Access Hollywood tape was shown, Republican endorsements were withdrawn, pundits demanded Trump drop out. Suddenly, Pence decided to make his move, and saw a way to turn those endorsements to himself:


"he…was contemplating a coup…Within hours…Pence made..clear to the [RNC]…he was ready to take Trump’s place as…nominee…four weeks before Election Day…"


There was talk of "Condoleezza Rice as running mate." This would have been a shadow presidency…of the Bushes, the way Biden's is now of Obama.