Anonymous ID: 237282 Aug. 5, 2023, 9:13 p.m. No.19307518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7526

Good evening, Anons. Old-fag-long-time-no-see here. I'm in the middle of a discussion about Pence and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.


The ole' memory ain't what it used to be, kek.


Does anyone remember in the Wikileaks files that email between Pence and one or two others about the 25th Amendment? The way it was worded seemed to suggest Pence's agreement to participate in something to help eliminate Trump, if memory serves. It was nowhere near as suspiciously worded as the Moloch, hotdogs, walnut sauce and pizza references to be sure, but it did garner speculation among anons here and on VOAT.


I can't remember who the others on that email were, and which Wikileaks drop it appeared under: the Podesta Files, the Hillary Files, or the DNC files? I am fuzzy, too, on the context of the convo.


Checked Wikileaks and tried searching but muh long covid brain. Plus I kept getting Server Error when I clicked on the Hillary files. (Oh, the irony.)


Anyhow, come on, guise, help an old fag out. Love you all, no homo.