Anonymous ID: c2eccc Aug. 5, 2023, 9:33 p.m. No.19307572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7599 >>7772 >>7773 >>7881 >>7885 >>7886





> >>19302945 (pb), >>19302949 (pb), >>19302953 (pb) 2021 German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators

…in the German city ofSpeyerin March 1963

Anon noticed that the name

Ray Epps

when spelled backwards (sppEyaR) and pronounced (spey-ar), sounds like "Spyer" as in, someone who spies.

Now anon sees this town named similarly, relating to Catholic Church which is more and more involved in sex/child/slave trafficking as well as idolatry.

And: those priests "take confession" or, in other words, they gather the secrets of the townspeople for their own use.

What that use is, anon can speculate; does not have direct knowledge.

That does show a link, though! Ray Epps was spying for the deep state (spies do more than just gather information, they also "egg on behavior" at times as well, like Ray did as we have seen on videos). The Catholic Church spies for perhaps an even deeper state. Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer.
