Anonymous ID: b285c5 Aug. 6, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19309543   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9582



Sunday, August 6, 2023

Chris Christie Went to Ukraine But No One Cares.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made an unannounced visit to Ukraine this week, where he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. While touring the region around the capitol city Kiev, Christie told the Ukrainian president, “There are hundreds of millions of people in our country who support you.” At home in the United States, public opinion appears to be turning against the Biden regime and continued financial and material support for Ukraine. Recent polling suggests over 55 percent of Americans now oppose sending more aid to the Ukrainians – hardly hundreds-of-millions. The continued stalemate in Ukraine has seen even its Western European allies become increasingly frustrated with the lack an effective counter-offensive against Russian defensive positions. To compound matters for the Ukrainians, President Zelensky’s habit of making aggressive demands for financial and military support has rankled even Poland. Continued support for Ukraine is one area where presidential hopeful Chris Christie hopes to be able to draw a contrast with the dominant GOP front-runner, former President Donald Trump. Christie has thrown his full weight behind continued U.S. funding and support for the Ukrainian military, while Trump has called for Ukraine and Russia to come to the negotiating table to bring about a swift end to the bloodshed and loss of innocent civilian lives. With polling showing upwards of 70 percent of GOP voters want the U.S. to focus less on overseas conflicts and the former New Jersey governor consistently hovering in the single digits in the GOP primary one must ask: does anyone actually care that Chris Christie went to Ukraine?

Anonymous ID: b285c5 Aug. 6, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19309569   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9738 >>9954 >>9977

Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.

Someone called Perry Johnson has announced his qualification for the first Republican presidential primary debate later this month after reaching the necessary 40,000 donor threshold ahead of candidates such as Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and even former Vice-President Mike Pence. Johnson, who is actually a businessman who recruited the majority of his donors by selling “I stand with Tucker” t-shirts for $1, took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce his qualification, posting: “We reached a critical campaign milestone. Today, in New Hampshire, I announced we reached the 40,000 donors needed to make the RNC debate stage.” Johnson has so far raised around $67,000 and has contributed over $328,000 of his own money towards his presidential campaign. Yet, he has not been able to make an impact in the polls, consistently bringing in less than one percent of the vote. He previously tried to run in the 2022 Michigan gubernatorial race, but fell short after he failed to meet the necessary 15,000 signatory threshold to appear on the ballot. Officials at the Michigan elections bureau discarded a whopping 6,983 of Johnson’s signatures after it was suspected that they were “fraudulent” – an action that Johnson claims violated his rights. He was one of five GOP candidates removed from the race that year. Johnson is one of eight candidates to qualify for the RNC debate, including former President Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum. Mike Pence, however, is struggling to reach the threshold, admitting in a recent CNN interview, “We’re not there yet.” He claims to have amassed over 30,000 so far.

Anonymous ID: b285c5 Aug. 6, 2023, 8:50 a.m. No.19309582   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Ukraine Commander Sending Husbands of Female Soldiers Who Won’t Have Sex with Him to Die.

The Ukrainian military is riven with misogyny, according to whistleblowers, with one commander threatening to send the husbands of female soldiers “to their deaths” if they refuse to have sex with him. Platoon sergeant Nadiya Haran, one of roughly 60,000 women serving in the Ukrainian armed forces, told The Guardian that female soldiers “have to fight two enemies at once” – the Russians and their own sexist comrades. Haran described how one woman “was put in a psychiatric facility without consent by her commander, just because she applied for transfer to a combat unit,” while another was threatened with similar incarceration “just for reporting that she was being sexually harassed.” Most concerningly, Haran related that she had to leave left her own brigade because an officer “high up the food chain who would harass women,” including subordinates of hers. “[He] basically told them if they refuse to have sex with him, he’s sending their husbands who were also in the brigade to their deaths,” she said. “I was told to shut up because he did not harass me personally.” Female soldiers in Ukraine have previously reported how shodddy equipment and a lack of supplies necessary for personal hygiene, such as diapers and urination devices, have left them vulnerable in the field and suffering from “a bouquet of health issues,” particularly “cystitis [and] inflammation of the ovaries and back pain.”