I think..
Bad kitty.. BAD!
..and there it is
The world needs a fail-safe M.R.I. that can detect a remorseless psychopath. Any that are detected with no doubt need cast out to an inescapable island.
I "fantasize" that after we all have endured this board and even KNOWING about how fucked up this world is, the trauma we endured just understanding 3rd density is that, we will all come back as winged Gods with 12 in cocks that rule over a galaxy of virgins.
We are in the heaviest density now.
I think we are expected to fuck around at this level? Imagine how gnarly FOREVER TIME actually is.
Let's talk a bit about Israel.
To stop the world from understanding God is WITHIN! As long as we look elsewhere for "Thee Is", we will never find him.
We are all from the same consciousness/source.
>who is Israel
A bunch of Mongols from 8th century that got their asses kicked and converted to Judaism to save their asses.
Later, only to hijacked Judaism as if their own and move about seek revenge for their, "almost demise".
The People will be SHOCKED.mp4