Such a shame. She’s certainly lovely to gaze upon. What was the symbology?
Grand Theft Pedo
Whata cunt! These people have zero dignity.
Can you explain what you mean a bit more, anon. I’m genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Says who?
What happens on the 8th? Lion’s Gate Portal opening its jaws to suck us into a new timeline?
Super. Go on then.
The perseid meteor shower?
Which was timed to take place at the Lion’s Gate On 8/8. Not that I place any weight on the Lion’s Gate but it’s def a big deal in astrological circles.
Why 8/8? What is your reasoning behind date fagging?
More interested in seeing action which changes things for the better than a bunch more cryptic posts.
Thought that happened on 8/4?
Think you got me mixed up with the other anon.
I’d still like to know why the economy is going to crash on 8/8.
Does this guy ever saying anything of interest? I’ve listened to a couple of hours but there was no meat there.
Had a neighborhood friend growing up whose dad was a member of the Elks Lodge. My friend ended up blowing his head off with a shotgun in his dad’s backyard when we were in our 20’s. My friend was def not drug free. His dad, the Elk, was also an alcoholic.
I just meant that it’s pretty basic stuff he’s going into from what I’ve listened to. I’m not saying he isn’t offering truth. Just that it’s somewhat surface level if one has looked into masonry at all. So just wondering if he goes deeper as it gets further into the 5 hour soliloquy.