Reminder: IF all of your gutter downspouts were connected to paddlewheels, you'd never have to pay for grid electricity during rainstorms.
Only if you're doing it wrong. Leaves would add weight, which would also generate more electricity. Only dumbasses get clogged downspouts.
A soft society does that. 90% of the people have no idea how to construct anything, let alone use nature for their benefit.
all this time and you haven't gained the virtue of patience? How about humility?
You post piss upon shit. Think outside of your comfortable box for once in your little life.
No doubt. If someone were to make something like that happen today, they'd be wiped out so fast.
consumer is just another way of saying 'mindless zombie'
triples checked. This is great news. Everywhere else, "Think about the children" is just part of their tactics. Here, it is wholeheartedly meant.
you must be using a conventional setup, which is designed to be as inefficient as possible, kind of like how the max solar panels output is at 27%. When THEY design things, it's to make sure it's shitty so they can tell you it's not worth it.