wanna suck my tongue or touch my cock?
>shocking then ever before
don't give a fuck about darpa, haarp, usmc, humans, wtv.
animals genes are secured.
burn b/c you deserve it.
I thought that here, at least, I will find very smart people. I was wrong.
You are comped, ego, evil, wtv.
love criminals of God lovers, del posts, ban, shadow ban. go fuck yourself. I've lost a life full of pian, for nothing but my teachings.
Trump did nothing now he cries, Q did nothing that he promised now he run………..fuck you.
bv si bo sug pula la morti.
de aia pot sa postez pana maine aici, ca nu ma vede nimeni.
si-mi spui mie, ca astia merita salvati? baga-le-as pula-n suflet de scarbe infecte.
fute-m-as in tot neamul lor de scarbosi.
s-au dus vremurile cand puteai avea increde in site-ul asta, acum scarbosii de evrei, fbi, cia, cine mortii ma-sii, l-au acaparat, e totul manarit de scarbele lor, si cine este contra narativului, sters sau shadow banned.
si-au vandut sufletul satanei.