muhjoo spam is intended to suppress the speech of Anons.
>Absolute horseshit
Uh oh
>If it was 30 or 40 posts from the same IP then fair enough, but the faggot BO and BV's are deleting anything questioning the jews.
How very convenient for the coordinated 100 post IP hopping shills whose pattern of posting is identical.
>Q specifically came to the chans, for the precise reason that it was the only place that believed in true freedom of speech.
Q came to the chans because that's where most of the AUTISTS were and whose moderators would not censor Q's speech.
>Show me a Q post where he told anons not the question the Jew?
Nice try in flipping the burden of proof and deceitfully describing what it is that is happening.
The muhjoo shill spam is NOT merely 'questioning the jew'. That is a lie. The muhjoo spam is copypasta blanket smears and slanders of an entire ethnicity of people, and any Anon who questions or challenges or dissents, Anons are themselves smeared and slandered with the same exact copypasta pattern. There is no 'questioning' logic in the muhjoo spam pattern.
And you have the burden, YOU tell Anons where Q said the NWO are Jews, or where Q said to blame the jews or where Q said when Anon disagrees then label them all as jews as if that's an argument about any messages.
>I don't say it lighty, but i hope you die of the most horrific cancer possible, you deserve it
Anon must be directly over the target.
And calling for the death of Anon is diametrically opposite to having a 'questioning' mindset. Your logic is absolutist. Accept the muhjoo spam or else muhjoo calls for death of Anons.