Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19322648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2674 >>2725

Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States


On October 8, 2020. only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female (whose name was redacted from the police report), dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.


The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Mr. Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.


An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.


The following is from the MI State Police report:


On 10/16/20 Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch and Deputy Clerk Kimberly Young contacted the Muskegon Police Department after noticing irregularities in voter registration applications received both in person and by mail.


The Muskegon city clerk became suspicious when the female, (whose name is redacted in the first part of the police report, but then later, is unredacted), hand-delivered thousands of voter registrations to her office, many of them in the same handwriting.


On 10/20/20 (deadline day for in-person voter registration applications) the suspect retumed to the *Muskegon City Clerk’s office to deliver additional registration forms in person. Meisch estimated that (suspect) brought an additional 2500 forms. Meisch contacted the Muskegon Police Department and Detective Logan Anderson and Captain Shawn Bride conducted a non-custodial interview with the suspect.


Meisch stated that in her opinion a quantity of the voter registration forms were highly suspicious and possibly fraudulent.


Meisch’s opinion was based on the fact that numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer and upon initial examination, addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent.


Meisch investigated further and found that phone numbers on multiple forms were erroneous and signatures on multiple forms didn’t appear to match signatures on file with the Department of Secretary of State. Examples included an address in the and another in the [REDACTED]


Those addresses do not exist in the Muskegon City house numbering system. Another form listed 80 W. Southern Ave which is the address for Muskegon High School and is clearly not a residence.



Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.19322712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2731

You Can’t Make This Up: Obama-Appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan and Hunter Biden Shared Professional Ties at Boies Schiller Flexner, Firm that Worked for Burisma


When Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith’s BS case against President Trump came out last week, we soon learned that the case was assigned to an Obama-appointee judge.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that President Donald Trump has requested an immediate recusal of far-left and anti-Trump U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has been appointed to preside over his ongoing “January 6th” case in Washington D.C. Trump characterizes the judge as a “biased” judge.


Trump voiced his concerns and frustrations over the weekend on his social platform, Truth Social.


“”There is no way I can get a fair trial with the judge ‘assigned’ to the ridiculous freedom of speech/fair elections case. Everybody knows this, and so does she! We will be immediately asking for recusal of this judge on very powerful grounds, and likewise for venue change, out of D.C.,” Trump wrote.


Chutkan has been known for her harsh rulings against conservative defendants. In fact, NBC reported that she is the only federal judge in the nation’s capital who has been sentencing January 6th defendants to terms longer than what the government had recommended.


Chutkan’s political inclinations seem evident from her past contributions to political causes. The judge donated over $3,000 to Barack Obama’s campaigns between 2008 and 2012, according to her public donation records.


Here are some of her donation records according to Open Secret:


Open Secrets records show that Hunter Biden served as an attorney there from 2009-2014, with Chutkan also working as an attorney and even making partner in 2007. Both left the firm in 2014; Biden moved on to other endeavors, while Chutkan was appointed as a judge by then-President Obama.


Hunter Biden’s work history per Open Secret:


Chutkan, during her tenure at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner (BSF) from 2002 to 2014, coincided with the period Hunter Biden served as counsel for Burisma.


More from Yahoo News:


It is a fact that Hunter Biden and Chutkan were both employed by, or partners of, BSF. It is also factual that BSF provided services to the Ukrainian oil company Burisma, on whose board Hunter Biden served.


Chutkan worked at BSF from 2002 until the time of her appointment to the D.C. Circuit by then U.S. President Barack Obama in June 2014. She was made a partner of the firm in 2007. Biden, meanwhile, held the title of counsel at BSF from 2010 to 2014.


After joining the board of Burisma in April 2014, as Hunter Biden described in his memoir, he recommended the consulting services of his law firm to help the company implement “corporate practices that were up to accepted ethical snuff.” Burisma paid BSF at least $250,000 dollars for its work.


In sum, it is factual that both Hunter Biden and Chutkan worked under the umbrella of Boies Schiller Flexner between 2010 and 2014, and it is also true that BSF did business with Burisma via Hunter Biden in May 2014. As such, we rate this claim as “True.”


Former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Kash Patel revealed this information during his interview with Sebastian Gorka.


“Judge Chutkan, for those who don’t know, represented Burisma, Hunter Biden’s fraudulent consulting firm, she was a lawyer at the same law firm with Hunter Biden,” Patel said.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19322747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2772

US Shutters Haiti Embassy Amid "Rapid Gunfire" As Armed Gangs Have Run Of The Capital


Haiti's problems have gone from bad to worse after years of political instability, raging gang violence, rampant kidnapping, food and medicine shortages, and the outbreak of deadly diseases like cholera.


Many thousands of Haitians have flooded the streets of Port-au-Prince this week, angry over the lack of security or any rule of law in crime-ridden neighborhoods across the impoverished Caribbean nation. But Tuesday saw further escalation in violence, as rapid gunfire rang out, coming from the crowd and in the vicinity, causing the US and other foreign embassyies to close operations.


"The Embassy is closed today. All personnel are restricted to Embassy compounds until further notice due to gunfire in the vicinity of the Embassy. Travel between the compounds is prohibited," the embassy said in a new statement.


The US Embassy warned further that anyone seeking to get to or from the compound could have the security of routes "impacted due to continued rapid gunfire."


CBS and other outlets have described an escalating situation in which "ceaseless violence at the hands of gangs" has resulted in angry crowds demanding some semblance of security from both national and international officials.


Cries of "we want security!" were heard from the crowd, many with their faces masked, amid burning tires and vehicles, tear gas, and running street clashes.


Some sources estimate that armed gangs control up to 80% of the capital city, and police are powerless to protect residents…


Meanwhile, as for potential solutions, the United Nations has debated for the past year a proposal to send an international police-keeping force, but it remains that no particular nation - including the United States - wants to be seen as spearheading it given the controversy accompanying past such interventions.


Not only would the ongoing chaos and violence pose a serious risk to international peacekeeping troops, but the West's legacy of colonialism would once again be under a microscope.


Most recently, Kenya proposed that it could send its own troops, but again, few UN officials have the political will to see it through given there are so many "unknowns" and ways it could exacerbate an already spiraling situation:


After Primer Minister Ariel Henry urged the world in October to deploy an armed force to fight the gangs, the United Nations has struggled to convince a nation to lead efforts to restore the order in the Caribbean country, in part due to past controversy over peacekeeping missions. There’s been little appetite for a U.S.- or U.N.-led force, and the United States unsuccessfullt tried to persuade Canada to lead a force.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19322782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U Chicago Runs Religious Course on ‘Queering God’


The University of Chicago, incorporated by Baptist Christians in the 19th century, is now running a course titled ‘Queering God’ from Dr. Olivia Bustion.


“Can God be an ally in queer worldmaking? Is God queer? What does queerness have to do with Judaism, Christianity, or Islam?” the introduction to the course on the University of Chicago website asks, promising to “[introduce] students to foundational concepts in queer and trans studies by focusing on queer Jewish, Christian, and Islamic theologies.”


The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality (CSGS) which hosts the ‘Queering God’ course hosts a dizzying array of similar courses, including one which claims the New Testament apocrypha “champion[s] a female, cross-dressing ascetic Christ-missionary,” and another which questions whether it is “ethical to have children” in light of climate change.


Such content extends well beyond the CSGS at the University of Chicago, which also runs a Critical Race Theory (CRT) course titled ‘The Problem of Whiteness’.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19322799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

75 More Catholic Schools Nationwide Say They Are Shutting Down


At least 75 more Catholic schools across the nation have announced they are closing their doors for good, with many breaking the news to families in just the past few weeks.


Most of the closures have been in major cities like Philadelphia, Boston, and Cincinnati.


In New York City alone, the Catholic Archdiocese of New York closed 12 schools as of the end of the academic year, laying the blame on “shifting demographics and lower enrollment, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.”


Some of the schools that are now permanently closed were considered legendary.


The Cambridge Matignon School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a private co-ed Roman Catholic college-prep school, opened in 1945. It won 10 ice hockey state championships and was the alma mater of 19 NHL draft picks and three NFL players.


Last week, Immaculate Conception High School, an all-girls private school in Lodi, New Jersey, closed after 108 years, citing enrollment and financial challenges.


In Texas, the historic 175-year-old The Incarnate Word Academy, located in the Rio Grande Valley at the epicenter of the flood of immigrants coming over the border, announced it will close at the end of the year.


“Several years of tracking diminishing enrollment and income have led to the conclusion that maintaining our school is no longer possible,” said Sister Annette Wagner, the school’s superior general, in a written statement.

Financial Reasons


While the schools have all cited financial reasons for the closures, there has been a variety of speculation offered by Catholics.


C.J. Doyle, Executive Director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, told The Epoch Times that Catholic schools are struggling with a shift in ideology, with traditional Catholic beliefs being challenged by modern Catholic families and even Catholic school leaders.


He pointed to a recent controversy at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Dover, New Hampshire, where parents and students protested the move not to renew contracts for four teachers who were either openly gay or openly embraced LGBT ideology.


The school, which has tuition of $18,000, strongly denied that the move was in any way LGBT related.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19322818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Biden to Ask for Another Ukraine Aid Package ‘North of $10 Billion’


President Joe Biden will soon ask Congress for a Ukraine aid package that could exceed $10 billion, a report released Tuesday found.


Punchbowl News reported the Ukraine aid battle will resume when Congress returns from recess. The incoming request, which could be “north of $10 billion,” follows as Ukraine continues its slow-moving counteroffensive against Russia, and America and other NATO countries have pledged support for Ukraine.


The Army’s acquisition chief told reporters on Monday that the Department of Defense was working on a funding package for lawmakers to consider. The package would be used to replenish American weapon stockpiles which have been depleted after providing munitions to Ukraine’s protracted conflict with Russia.


The United States has provided more than $110 billion in aid to Ukraine even as voters go sour on the prospect of even more taxpayer dollars being spent to aid the Kyiv regime.


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has said that any additional Ukraine funding should have to go through regular order, or the appropriations process, and not a supplemental package.


Seventy House Republicans voted to cut off funding for Ukraine in July, making the expected Ukraine aid battle highly contentious.


In contrast, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has slammed the current defense cap set by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the debt ceiling deal struck by McCarthy and Biden, and has pushed a robust aid package to Ukraine.


A Ukraine aid package would also require generous floor time as both chambers of Congress needs to pass appropriations bills to avoid a government shutdown by the end of September.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 11:01 a.m. No.19322825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube takes down video about free speech lawsuit against Biden, claiming it promotes “medical misinformation”


Video sharing platform YouTube took down a video posted by a public interest law firm, citing alleged "medical misinformation." The site later reversed the decision and reinstated the video without notice or explanation.


According to Just The News, the video centered on a July 26 "Lunch and Law" talk by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) regarding the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit. The complaint accuses the Biden administration of unconstitutionally coercing social media platforms to censor certain content. Missouri and Louisiana filed the case on behalf of their respective residents.


The July 26 talk included attorney John Sauer, who initially represented the Cave State in his capacity as Missouri solicitor general. He later returned to private practice and represented the Pelican State in the lawsuit.


NCLA showed the video's removal notice, which stated that it "contradicts expert consensus" on Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from "local health authorities" or the World Health Organization. The alliance added that YouTube would not reinstate the video, and its previously spotless channel would receive one strike.


NCLA then posted the video of the July 26 event on Rumble. According to the alliance's spokeswoman Judy Pino, the YouTube version was down for about two days before being restored. She commented: "No email or alert, they just quietly took the strike away and put the video back up."


"The fear of reprisal from the current 'surveil and censor' administrative state not only motivates companies like YouTube to remove discussion of inconvenient truths, but it also causes them to suppress mere reference to entire viewpoints – unless the reference is in line with government-approved messaging," NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel Zhonette Brown said in a statement.


Just The News sent queries to YouTube's owner Alphabet requesting for comment over its takedown and subsequent reinstatement of NCLA's video. The tech giant has not responded as of writing.


Not even RFK Jr. is exempt from YouTube's censorship


Even Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) twice fell victim to the video sharing platform's censorship.


In June, the Alphabet-owned company took down his interview with Canadian clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. RFK Jr.'s conversation with the host of "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast" was banned for allegedly promoting "vaccine misinformation."


A spokesperson for Alphabet confirmed the decision to take down the video, adding that YouTube removes so-called "false claims about currently administered vaccines. The spokeperson added: "This would include content that falsely says that approved vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility; or that substances in vaccines can track those who receive them."


In response, both RFK Jr. and Peterson accused YouTube of censorship. "Now YouTube has taken upon itself to actively interfere with a presidential election campaign," Peterson tweeted.


RFK Jr., on the other hand, wrote: "My conversation with Peterson was deleted by YouTube. Maybe you can help me figure out what 'misinformation' was in this interview. What do you think? Should social media platforms censor presidential candidates?"


YouTube later censored RFK Jr.'s interview with journalist Al Guart for the latter's "Beyond the Sphere" podcast. According to the Democratic candidate, YouTube conducted this second instance of censorship "on its own initiative." He added that the video-sharing site has internalized the political wishes of the establishment to the point where it knows what to censor without being told.


"People made a big deal about Russia supposedly manipulating internet information to influence a presidential election. Shouldn't we be worried when giant tech corporations do the same?" he asked.

Anonymous ID: 3877dc Aug. 8, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.19322842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

kek Dailymail are here getting stories I posted links to these pics last week


Leon Black pictured with Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Princess Eugenie at US Open before his Jeffrey Epstein ties were revealed


Black, 72, was spotted with David Geffen, Ivanka and Jared, Karlie Kloss and Wendi Deng at the US Open

Now, he is accused of raping a Down syndrome teenager in Epstein's house

He is also facing questions over his payments of $158million to Epstein, and his payment of $62million to US Virgin Islands prosecutors