that god is a lie, nothing but a vindictive, petty, cuck. Oh I forgot a muderous sack of shit. All religions that stem from these lies are lies as well.
which god though, it is all pagan bullshit, at some level. There is no such thing as true monotheism, since it is groups that chose a particular deity over another and if they refused on complained to much they would be murdered by said deity. I have seen the word Henotheism in conjunction with this idea.
what is even funnier is that you think because I think you are a fucking retard for believing in half truths that makes me a shill, just because I am not a brain dead cultist like you who thinks they understand how to think but you are so fucking blind you just have to lash out like a fucking nigger at a foot locker. SO how about you either listen and expand your cuck mind, or you shut your fucking god damn cunt hole.
they were not from inside of this book were they. I kinda remember what you were talking about and this is the only thing I remember coming out from around that time that would have had a tie in.
better on the brain than like you who prefers in in your mouth.
what is wrong with saying nigger, nigger. How about you just skip that and show your tits you fucking cunt
didnt get anything you fucking fag. Not my problem not only are a you a fucking cultist with no brain you are a fucking dumb cunt.
hey pig, so you cry about muh division but that is what differences are division. SO just because I dont subscribe to your lies that is not division if that is what it is considered hate to break it to you you are in a cult.
oh shit I forgot where I was. kys
nigger doesnt mean nigger faggot. and if it did mean nigger, then don't be a bitch about it and suck it up. If a black person is going to get pissy about a fucking word at this stage they are not worth the time when we are in a fucking world war for everyones freedom and limiting word choice is a bitch move.
I want to say that is the book but that guy did like a extra few pages or something to explain the stuff you were mentioning its just something I recall from back then. I should get the book might be an important thing to share t some point as well with people, since a lot of this shit was public but most people didnt hear about it because of the corrupt media.
not Q you stupid cat. I mean fucking religion. Q is fine and its moving along. My complaint is that religious cultists in this movement cite anyone who does not believe totally in their imaginary tales is a shill. That is not true, and we should be able to discuss these ideas, and insult them as well. But I guess not everyone is as much as a free thinker as they thought.
no you are just being illiterate pig and butting in about that muh division bullshit. I am suggesting that they are all a lie and people who push that shit here are fucking liars well meaning or not. You should perhaps before you waste time making a meme that has nothing to do with my original statement in this bread. I also still stand by that statement that religion is the greatest true divider of men and that because of that and the lies that are in it we will NEVER have true unity.
somewhat but that is not how this works and you are being disingenuous. Most people just looking at christians like being good little drones up down eat the cracker, its not praying in private like Jesus asks. I take issue not with Jesus himself countermands most of the bible. SO when people talk about God, the natural question is which one and where can I find literature about said god. If people say the Bible I will have to say NO because it is just too flawed and edited with half truths. This is why there is division the lies that man under the pretense of faith tells each other.
My god you are a stupid cat. The problem is other people act out on these incorrect beliefs and cause great harm to the innocent people of the world. It is these lies that people surround themselves with their so called holy books that often gives people the justification for immoral behavior.
Because first off I am not an expert just a retard that can read and ask questions. Next once you carefully examine the evidence that can be found you can just using muh discernment and determine even if you do not know what the truth is you can at the very least determine what is a lie, much like everything else Q has shown. We may not know the destination but anons have learned pretty well to sniff out the lies the media tells. I am just saying do it for the things you hold most dear because there might be another story there that conflicts with the common narrative people have.
I did it is why I had a problem reconciling the loving words of Christ with the murder known as Yahweh.
and you are still being a fucking cunt, neck yourself and die sad.
but its not, you dont get to have both stories and have them congeal. You dont get to profess Jesus and at the same time put the same devotion into the god of the old testament who even Jesus himself takes issue with in multiple passages, I do not know the truth, but I do know what are lies, and pig was being disingenuous in his statement at that time. I am sorry you have comprehension problems.
I did, why did god need virgin human sacrifice and gold. That is not the creator that you think you are worshiping I don't know what the fuck it is for sure but it sure is not god. The deity of the hebrews of the time had them murder and kill all in his name but yet he was willing to kill people just for crying about wandering in the desert for 40 years so he just sent snakes to bite them. Real loving.
I am positive you are a fucking retard.
still determined to be a stupid faggot cat. The dividers are the religeous. I still don't know who this god is that you speak of cat. Which god. and if god is a personal thing why must it be fucking inserted into every fucking conversation when no one really knows what that word means because it is so personal at some level but on another level people take their knowledge out of a knowingly altered piece of literature.
I get to call you out on that when you or a group acts out in the name of alleged god, you are the faggot for filtering.
again you are making the mistake that you are talking about god, I have no idea what you are talking about, this is gods world, by that do you mean satan or the demiurge?
projecting. Which satan the made up one by christians to scare children, the actual true meaning of adversary. Because right now you are being a satan to me. No more superstitious than any of other made up bullshit in that book.
well that is stupid also and begs the question what are you supposed to believe when the very book people put up is made up of mostly edits and lies and mistranslations. The issue as most of you retards have failed to understand is who is Jesus father because it does not appear to be the god of the old testament. That means we have at least two distinct narratives at play that do not reconcile unless you try to force them to reconcile like catholics do with the trinity trying to explain away the eloheim problem.
yes I do you fucking cunt, you don't get to tell me what to do. But I can tell you that you are a brain dead bitch and any man in your life should take the responsibility to smack you about a bit till you learn to shut your whore mouth. I am going to call out your bullshit made up cult and your lies. Your strawman is like saying you dont get to bitch about voting if you don't vote. This is how I know you are a stupid cunt.
what ever baby murdering cunt.
You can tell me what to do but I am going to tell you to do a fucking backflip.
Go ahead keep worshiping your desert demon.
my eloheim and council, but yeah keep thinking there is only one, and that one is in your magic book.
Yeah so the fuck what, is that not what anons are supposed to do examine where there are lies and expose them and try to figure out how to break others conditioning that causes division like religion, the greatest divider of man. I spew crap as you put it because why should I fucking tolerate what I see as a greater evil of people following these things not thinking and realizing there is more out there that alters what is known, faith is a wonderful thing but anons are seeming more brainwashed still as they can not shake this. They accept that everything else is a lie but this one thing is super pristine. No. That seems sketch as shit.
crazy primitive assholes who could construct and build things that even to this day modern people have not even begun to figure out how. Let alone why. The question is then what caused this violence and if it is inherent or something else. I am also looking at going back even further 13k years seems good about, the problem with the analogy of god being a petulant teenager who is jealous and bitter in the first part of the story but then growing up when we meet him also seems strange to consider that something that could create everything and have it be so beautiful needs to do the things it does, and I know ineffable will and all that, just does not square and lines up more with other ancient documents than the narrative abrahamic religions like to portray.