That's an understatement Michael.
Garden of Eden beautiful!
He didn't want us to know evil.
We are not capable of handling nor containing it.
Our entire history is the proof.
Clearly projection.
He was contemplating it.
"Driver, take me to the canyon."
"Any particular reason sir?"
In the beginning, at that time, that was not the issue or how things were intended.
This instruction came later as a tool to help us navigate the curse we are now under.
We've seen a lot of them sir. This is by far your best.
Space isn't what we've been programmed to think and there are lots of spaces.
Don't just read, understand.
Why did God destroy?
How did you ever learn that murder was bad?
Travel the road of truth to its source.
You 'did' what?
Because it is quite clear you don't understand.
It even gives the simple instructions on how to gain understanding.
You are either shilling or you will go back and make the effort.
Jesus loves you!
Satan is the accuser.
If Jesus is Lord, it only seems logical one would make every effort in this very short life to find out.
The consequences are terrible in choosing poorly on this one. Eternal.
There are many more. Too many for them to control. Kun and Truth are just bigger popular targets.
You still don't understand.
He hides these things from the wise and the learned and gives them unto babes.
Find out HOW to come to Him.
Getting past our pride and recognizing there is a war between the cursed temporary flesh and His eternal Spirit is the first step.
Humility and faith will be a huge stumbling block for many.
Just go read and learn.
Fighting people isn't going to change who God is.
He is in the business of rescuing and saving.
All that darkness and strife can be released if you just ask Him.
I have been and will get off the computer right now to pray for you.
He shared that right now with me. Not from a mere book you perceive but a relationship.
God bless you fren!