In the 1980s this Anons preteen son had a meltdown over having to clean his room and his household chores.
Said he was gonna call CPS and have me thrown in jail for child abuse.
Anon grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and tossed him out on the porch to wait because I was calling CPS myself to come pick him up! And I put his BMX bike, skateboards, minibike, room TV and all his clothes on the front lawn For Sale.
I was merciless. Told him I ain't going anywhere. HE is!
Entire ordeal lasted about 20 minutes and he was blubbering like a baby!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Yes, you are you little shit! But not as sorry as you're gonna be!
Long story short, he did his chores cheerfully for the next 10 years he lived in our house. Never heard another word about child abuse.
He is now the happily married father of our three beautiful grandkids and guess what?? THEY ALL HAVE HOUSEHOLD CHORES!