Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 1:30 a.m. No.19326342   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6674 >>6755 >>6987 >>7075

Burisma Was Told To Remove Picture Of Joe Biden And Devon Archer From Its Website, Emails Show


House Oversight Committee Interviews Hunter Biden Business Associate

James Lynch

Investigative Reporter

August 08, 2023 3:29 PM ET


Hunter Biden and his business associates told Ukrainian energy firm Burisma to remove a picture of then-Vice President Joe Biden and Burisma board member Devon Archer from its website, emails from the Hunter Biden laptop archive show.


In May 2014, then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros told Eric Schwerin, a business associate at Hunter Biden’s investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, to have Burisma remove an image of Joe Biden and Archer from its website, according to emails from Biden’s laptop archive.


“Hey, guys,” Schwerin said in a May 13, 2014 email to Hunter Biden and Archer. “There is apparently a photo of Devon and the VP on Burisma’s website (I can’t see it – the website isn’t working very well right now) but Demetra (VP Counsel) called and asked that we tell Burisma they need to take it down (legally they aren’t comfortable with the VP’s picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement).”


Schwerin was referencing then-VP Biden’s counsel Demetra Lambros, whom President Biden appointed in June 2021 to serve as Chair of the President’s Commission on White House fellowships. She previously worked with Biden in 1996 as General Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-Democratic Delaware Sen. Joe Biden’s chairmanship.


“Thanks Eric,” Archer responded. “Hunter got the call and it’s down. Was put up without authorization. Just on a Board call now and will call you this afternoon.”


“Looks like it may have been taken down…finally got on the site,” Schwerin said.


“Cool,” Schwerin followed up. “Thanks – I’ll let them know in case they haven’t seen it.”


The image of Joe Biden and Devon Archer does not appear on a version of Burisma’s website archived the following day. The now-defunct Burisma website previously featured profiles of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer on its board of directors page.


Schwerin sent multiple emails to Hunter Biden on May 13, 2014, asking about Burisma’s apparent ownership by a company registered in Cyprus and how he could explain that to Lambros. She raised the Cyprus issue to Schwerin after a Politico article detailing Hunter Biden’s Burisma board seat was published the same day.


“FYI, the only other issue Demetra raised/asked about was that there was a Cypriot connection (ownership?) of the firm and your Dad is going next week. She just raised it – nothing more than that” Schwerin said.


“The company is simply registered in Cyprus,” Hunter Biden wrote back.


This is only half the article. Moar in link:

Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:07 a.m. No.19326377   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6381 >>6382




Makes me think about the things POTUS does that really ruffles some feathers.


Here, we have a former 3 star general/DIA director/Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board/National Security Advisor under DJT and a slew of Q drops about him.


There is something at play here.

But thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:12 a.m. No.19326381   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6421


>Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Game Theory.

Look at his background. Notice who he's surrounding himself with.

I'm thinking Ops.

Drop 714


Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.




Now what is Flynn in the position to do at a strategic time?



Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:18 a.m. No.19326386   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6387 >>6394


I was being sarcastic.

Flynn doesn't hold any official position right now is he?


>If I ever find out he's selling shit in a church like his faggot buddies Ka$h and Flynn I'm staying home on election day.


>These people work for me, not the other way around.

sounds logical


Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:35 a.m. No.19326421   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6492




Imagine THIS.

Raw intel collection.

Narrative FEEDER.











How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM?

Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain.



You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.








Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:45 a.m. No.19326446   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Makes me think of Drop 4799

Particularly this part:


When does a CHURCH become a playground?

When does a CHURCH become a business?

When does a CHURCH become political?

When does a CHURCH become corrupt?

When does a CHURCH become willfully blind?

When does a CHURCH become controlled?


Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:09 a.m. No.19326491   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Flynn, Ka$h

Dunno about this Clay Clarke fag.

If true what you say about him, yeah, fuck that guy.


It's like FLYNN & Ka$h are these yuuuge spot lights on a center stage.


And every time, these evil fuckbags destroy themselves.


Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:37 a.m. No.19326549   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6558 >>6636


We still have to fix whats fucked after the fact.

We have to make sure that this never happens again.

Our children and beyond will be living in a much different world than we are living in today.

The hammer dropping I don't think we will know exactly when until it happens because remember, the enemy is also watching.

Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.19326598   🗄️.is đź”—kun


> if you can keep it

Very true under the context of the time it was stated.

Secret societies, rich and power satan worshipers, etc being prevalent.

That changes when the hammer drops.

Understand that people are inherently good.

When there's a presence of powerful, evil influences, we get what we have today.

This has never been done before. Such a complete bottom to top cleansing that is about to occur. With that said the price of freedom still and always will be vigilance, but it will be from a standpoint free from evil influence.


There will be a time where it will be much easier and quicker to snuff out once we get to that point.


It's going to be BIBLICAL

Anonymous ID: 8f0999 Aug. 9, 2023, 5:10 a.m. No.19326794   🗄️.is đź”—kun


While it has now been two years ago this month, the Biden administration retreated from Afghanistan, leaving American citizens behind enemy lines…we cannot forget the sacrifices by so few, for so many for nearly 20 years of war.


We especially need to remember those “13” service members Killed In Action in those final days performing their duty manning the final frontiers of freedom…or so they thought.


Those who have served and are still serving understand those “13” died because of their love for their fellow Marine, Soldier, or Sailor…and most definitely not for all the corrupt politicians that kept that endless war going.


They loved their families, their friends, their communities, and their country. And may they continue to Rest In Peace.


As more truths are unveiled about that war, we now learn that “the Biden administration is the “single largest donor” of taxpayer money to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan since the U.S. evacuated forces in 2021!”


This is according to a report from the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a U.S. Government entity that has been stating for years how F’d up our efforts in Afghanistan have been.


We are being so grotesquely lied to (then) and now as our government wages yet another war in Eastern Europe for no real or stated purpose other than to keep the flow of money moving into the pockets of the most corrupt people on the planet—politicians and their ilk.


We’re being led by morons and this must change.


God bless all the millions of men and women who have served our nation throughout our long and storied history. May those who gave the last true measure of devotion to the cause of America’s freedom not have died in vain 🙏🏼🇺🇸