A reminder for the concernfags
POTUS 100% insulated.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Do you TRUST the US Military?
A reminder for the concernfags
POTUS 100% insulated.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Do you TRUST the US Military?
>I trust the Marines, (the presidents own) and I trust POTUS.
They feed on fear, trying to make us afraid. Giving it to them defeats our purpose. Can't be the calm AND in fear at the same time.
Every Marine that I've met or known I'd trust my life with. I have no doubt whatsoever in the strength and ability of our Military.
Makes conservatives look really safe & sane in comparison.
ID: c30909
I don't know whether these quints were wasted or…
I'm concerned with the USA, the other SA can handle their own problems at this point. Here in the USA, Patriots are Patriots, regardless to genetic lineage. Americans are Americans in 2018, not in 1776, there's no time machine taking us back there KEK. The day a "shitskin" saves the life of one who hates them, maybe their minds will change. Until then, I just presume that they're afraid of being cucked & chuckle. So little faith…