Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 9:33 a.m. No.19328285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300

More: Democratic GBI Strategies Caught Committing Election Fraud While Having Operations In 20 States. Gary Bell running this for dems. Huge info



Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.19328467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 Aug, 2023 14:39

Neo-Nazis returning from Ukraine pose risk to French security – MP

About 100 fighters are taking part in the conflict, some of whom claim that they have to stop “Asian hordes,” lawmaker Frederic Mathieu has said


A French lawmaker has warned the nation’s interior ministry about the security threat posed by right-wing militants who left to fight for Kiev, but may eventually return home.


In a written question to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin published on the parliament’s website on Tuesday, Frederic Mathieu, a member of the left-wing La France Insoumise party, sounded the alarm about the presence of French fighters in the Ukrainian international legion.


According to Mathieu, among the 400 French people who have left for Ukraine, “there are around a hundred combatants, most of whom have been clearly identified as part of the ultra-right movement.” Some of them already had military experience before their deployment, the MP added.


The lawmaker pointed out that the militants fight in Ukrainian units such as the Revanche Battalion, founded by members of the ultra-nationalist organization Tradition and Order, which was involved in violent clashes with Ukrainian police prior to the start of the conflict in February 2022.


The French fighters in question, Mathieu said, “shamelessly display flags and tattoos featuring neo-Nazi symbols on their social media accounts.” They also “justify their participation in this conflict by the fight for European civilization” and the “fight against the ‘Asian hordes’” while embracing white supremacy, he stated.


His comments came after Ukrainian media shared a picture of several members of the Revanche Battalion with blurred faces and covered in tattoos associated with Nazi ideology.


Mathieu also recalled, citing French officials, that the danger of right-wing extremist terrorism has increased in recent years. He asked Darmanin whether he understood the risks associated with the return of right-wing individuals to France and whether “the necessary measures have been put in place”to prevent unfortunate incidents.


The French Interior Minister has yet to reply to the inquiry.


Russia has repeatedly said that it views foreign mercenaries fighting for Ukraine as legitimate targets, noting that Kiev uses them as “cannon fodder.”


Moscow has for many years also sounded the alarm about the spread of neo-Nazi ideology in Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers have been seen wearing SS-related insignia on numerous occasions. Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the “denazification” of the neighboring country as one of the key reasons for the military campaign.

Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 10:04 a.m. No.19328504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8514 >>8520 >>8584 >>8608 >>8702 >>8917

9 Aug, 2023 14:21


Victoria Nuland, Washington’s ‘regime change Karen’, wants to speak to the manager in Niger


Famous for her puppeteering during the 2014 Ukraine coup, the thinking behind this choice of envoy couldn’t be clearer.1/2


France has been kicked out of Niger by its new military government, by extension placing US interests there in peril. Who would ever have thought that the US footing the bill for training Nigerien soldiers would result in a net gain for Russia and China? Apparently not the US State Department.


Enter Victoria Nuland with demands to speak to those in charge. Officially the acting US deputy secretary of state,Nuland should really change her title to ‘Regime Change Karen’. In modern parlance, a ‘Karen’ is a middle-aged woman “who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.” Karens can often be spotted at the customer service desks of big box stores demanding to speak to the manager – or in this case, the military leaders now in charge of Niger.


Nuland rocked up to Niger and demanded to speak to the ousted president, but was refused the opportunity. Instead, she got to meet with one of the coup leaders– the new army chief of staff, Brigadier General Moussa Salaou Barmou, who not only trained at Fort Benningand at Washington’s National Defense University, but was photographed alongside US Special Operations in Africa Commander Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga just a few weeks ago at a US drone base in Niger.


In a State Department teleconference on Monday, Nuland said that she was in Niger “because we wanted to speak frankly to the people responsible to this challenge to the democratic order.” That didn’t actually require a foreign trip, though. She could have just stayed home and called a staff meeting. You made this mess yourselves, guys.


“The benefit from the joint mortar training event is twofold – providing Nigerien soldiers with a tangible skill, while also bolstering the partnership between US and Niger forces,” the Pentagon said in 2021 of a joint training exercise. Looks like all those skills came in handy when it came to kicking out US-allied France.


“We met with the self-proclaimed chief of defense of this operation, General Barmou, and three of the colonels supporting him,”Nuland said. “I will say that these conversations were extremely frank and at times quite difficult because, again, we were pushing for a negotiated solution.” Interesting how peace and negotiations suddenly appear on the table when Washington loses its foothold, finds itself in too weak or precarious a position to start dropping bombs, and needs to buy some time to regain the upper hand. Such was the case with the Russia-Ukraine Minsk agreements of 2014 and 2015, which used peace as a pretext for better arming Kiev against Moscow as Western allies trained and supplied Ukrainian neo-Nazis at Russia’s doorstep. Nuland not so subtly hinted at Washington’s priorities when she said that she “had a chance first to sit with a broad cross-section of Nigerien civil society,” describing them as “long-time friends of the United States.” In other words, to better shore up the in-country proxies to defend US interests.


Washington and Regime Change Karen here are unabashed control freaks. Nuland was long obsessed with Europe’s Nord Stream pipeline of cheap Russian gas – until it was mysteriously blown up. She was spotted in Ukraine back in 2014, handing out cookies to anti-government protesters and caught discussing the potential roles of Ukrainian opposition leaders post-regime change. That recording leaked, featuring Nuland expressing just how much she values US allies and international law when they don’t quite align with Washington’s agenda for Kiev once US-friendly puppets are installed. “So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing, and have the UN help glue it, and you know… F**k the EU,” Nuland told US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt…

Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19328514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8608 >>8917





At a Senate hearing earlier this year into “Russian aggression in Ukraine and beyond,”Nuland demonstrated that she couldn’t even resist keeping her hands off neighboring Belarus, underscoring that the US was “working intensively with the Belarusian opposition.” Regime Change Karen has her nose in everyone’s business. It seems to run in the family, as her husband, Robert Kagan, is a prominent neoconservative interventionist whose biography on the State Department website describes him as an expert on “NATO expansion.” He also co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) think tank, which set out the blueprint for endless US regime change wars against countries that didn’t adhere to Washington’s agenda.


In Niger, that agenda includes keeping the door unlocked so that Washington can come and go as it pleases, like it has in Ukraine, up to and including the point of being able to exploit the country’s resources or use it as a crash pad for operations against its geopolitical foes. Which would explain why the CIA set up a drone base in Niger for its African operations in the wake of the Benghazi fiasco in Libya, after which Washington lost its foothold there. It’s likely not a coincidence that Libya is right next door.


Washington apparently did not foresee that Nigerien troops would take their US-funded training and use it to start defending themselves against what they perceived to be Western interference. Regime Change Karen seems miffed that they didn’t follow the usual path of getting trained up by the US to subsequently be used and exploited to fight Washington’s wars.


If Nuland and her colleagues have any potential at all for introspection amid this fallout in Niger, they might want to start considering what could happen if the Western-backed Azov neo-Nazis also decide someday to betray the interests of their benefactors in favor of defending their own – with all their generously donated firepower courtesy of Western taxpayers. In which case, good luck trying to get your money back or finding the manager. He probably wouldn’t be sporting a name tag – maybe just a Nazi tattoo.


(The coup leaders are not letting the witch to interfere with their goal..she is shocked. Kek)

Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19328538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8608 >>8917

9 Aug, 2023 12:57

Profits of Western arms makers top $200 billion – report

US, EU, and UK defense contractors have been major beneficiaries of weapons sales to Ukraine


The revenues of the top Western defense contractors have been soaring, with American weapons makers dominating the global arms industry, Defense News reported on Monday.


According to the magazine’s new ranking of the top 100 defense firms, in 2022, America’s top five weapons contractors made $196 billion in military-related revenue.


The ranking shows that four US-based companies were among the world’s top five military contractors. The US has emerged as the main source of weapons for Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia, having committed around $37 billion in security assistance to Kiev.


In the first half of the year, the revenue of the top 25 Western defense contractors increased by 11% to $212 billion, corporate information cited by the Ravenstvo Media Telegram channel shows.


According to the calculations, the total arms sales for these companies for 2023 are expected to amount to $448 billion – a $47 billion increase on last year. By 2026, the amount could rise by more than 20% to $554 billion on the back of arms deliveries to Ukraine and rearmament in Europe, the report noted.


It is estimated that Western defense contractors will increase revenues by $150 billion, or 37%, from 2021 to 2026. In contrast, economic growth in advanced countries will be half of that pace in the same period, Ravenstvo Media reported. It cited IMF projections that by 2026, the collective GDP for advanced nations will be $67.8 trillion, compared with $56.6 trillion in 2021.


US manufacturer Boeing is dominant among defense-focused companies, data shows, with supplies to Ukraine ranging from ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles and Avenger air defense systems, to Harpoon and Hellfire missiles, and Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs.


Fellow US defense contractor RTX, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies, has also supplied an array of arms and systems, including Patriot long-range missiles, Javelin and TOW anti-tank systems, and Stinger MANPADS.


France has sent SCALP long-range missiles, which are manufactured by MBDA, a joint venture between BAE Systems, Airbus, and Leonardo.


A recent report by the Pentagon inspector general revealed that some of the military equipment supplied to Ukraine by the US and its allies has fallen into the hands of criminal groups. Moscow, which strongly opposes the supply of Western weapons to Kiev, has frequently pointed to the danger of arms being smuggled out of Ukraine and sold on the black market.

Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19328556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8608 >>8917

27 tons of explosives are detonated at the Woomera testing range in South Australia, September 20, 2002 Š AFP / Australian Defence Forces


9 Aug, 2023 13:46

Pentagon eyeing Australia as missile testing ground

Washington isn’t the first foreign power to use the country as a firing range


The US could test its hypersonic missiles in Australia, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Wednesday. Such a move, under the three-member Australia, UK, US (AUKUS) pact, would represent a significant expansion of Washington's presence in the Asia-Pacific region.


China has accused the US of using the pact to “play up conflict and confrontation” with Beijing.


“One thing Australia has in spades is long distances and relatively unpopulated land,”Wormuth told the AFP news agency. “A challenge for us in the United States when it comes to hypersonics … is to find open spaces in the United States where we can actually test these weapons.”


“Australia obviously has a tremendous amount of territory where that testing is a little bit more doable, so I think that's a unique thing … that the Australians bring to the table,” she added.


The US, UK, and Australia signed the AUKUS security pact in 2021, with the three powers agreeing to cooperate on nuclear submarine construction and hypersonic missile development. China views the alliance as an explicit threat, with Defense Minister Li Shangfu stating in June that by creating a “NATO-like” block in the Indo-Pacific, Washington and its allies are looking “to hold countries in the region hostage and play up conflict and confrontation.”


It is unclear which weapons the US plans on testing in Australia as the Pentagon’s various hypersonic missiles are still in development. Russia and China are widely recognized as winning the hypersonic arms race. Moscow has been using its Kinzhal missiles to strike Ukraine, while its Avangard strategic range glide vehicles have been fielded since 2019, and Zircon anti-ship cruise missiles deployed since last year.


The US considers China the world leader in hypersonic technology, with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) particularly concerned about Beijing’s DF-17 medium-range ballistic missile. DIA chief scientist Paul Freisthler claimed in March that this missile’s hypersonic payload could easily “reach US military forces in the Western Pacific.”


The struggle for hypersonic supremacy is not the first arms race in which Australia has been used as a firing range. The UK conducted 12 nuclear weapons tests in Australia between 1952 and 1958, and more than two dozen smaller detonations of radioactive material. A majority of Australians opposed these tests, which caused a spate of illnesses and deaths among nearby Aboriginal communities and site workers, according to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Anonymous ID: fc5ca5 Aug. 9, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19328576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8608 >>8917

9 Aug, 2023 02:50

Police bust global pedophile ring after fatal FBI shooting

Illicit material was shared through a “technologically sophisticated” network, Australian authorities have said


At least 98 people have been arrested in the US and Australia as part of a sweeping child sex abuse probe, according to officials in both countries. The investigation was launched aftertwo US federal agents were shot dead while pursuing a suspect in 2021.


The FBI and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) announced the arrests during a joint press conference on Tuesday, noting that 19 people in Australia and another 79 in the US are now in custody, all facing charges linked to an alleged child abuse ring spanning multiple countries.


AFP Commander Helen Schneider said the suspects operated a “technologically sophisticated online child abuse network” on the dark web and “used software to anonymously share files,” with some believed to have committed offenses for more than a decade. She added that most of the Australian suspects worked in occupations that require a “high degree” of knowledge about online networks, helping them to evade detection.


Two of the Australian men have already been convicted, according to Schneider, while FBI legal attache Nitiana Mann said there were another 43 convictions in the US. At least 13 children were removed from harm’s way as a result of the probe.


“This operation was highly complex. The complexity and anonymity of these platforms means that no agency or country can fight these threats alone,” Mann said, adding that the FBI had alerted the authorities in other countries about suspects within their jurisdictions, though did not mention any by name.


The sex abuse ring was first uncovered by the FBI in 2021, after special agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were fatally shot while serving a search warrant for suspect David Lee Huber in Florida. Three other agents were wounded in the firefight, after which Huber took his own life.


Evidence gathered following the deadly shootout would later tip off the bureau to a wider pedophile network beyond US borders, with the FBI passing intelligence about potential Australian members to the AFP last year. Dubbed ‘Operation Bakis’, the resulting joint probe is ongoing, and Schneider noted that future arrests should not be ruled out.


According to Mann, more than 200 international leads were sent to third countries throughout the operation, whileover 300 separate child sex abuse investigations have been launched as a result.