Hive is real.
>Revelation is a gift
You are aware that Q spoke out against revelation and dogma, right?
>Some of us think truth can be revealed.
It can. Definitely.
There's just no way to verify it as 'truth' if it came in the form of revelation.
While I understand what you mean, and can appreciate the quotation marks.
You putting the quotation marks around "knowledge" shows that you know that it's not really knowledge and therefore irrelevant.
Actual knowledge is verifiable.
Knowing that you know nothing is a good place to start.
>but generally the final connections are made yourself
Steer clear of paraidolia though.
Patterns in patterns easily creates patterns that are not there.
>Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence AGENCies currently monitoring these threads.
Lets !
I love posts like this. Kek
If they are so easy to spot, point them out.
Instead of trying to sound mysterious and spoopy. Kek.
And noโฆ I'm not one of themโฆ that would be too easy.
<All the things I know that you will never understand. Kek
Interesting deflection.
Having said nothing, or left out the BV tag would have been a better look me thinks.
>How does this post happen?
Someone selected/dropped or pasted a file into the "Select/drop/paste files here" box and clicked on reply.