Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:12 p.m. No.19329930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9938 >>9962 >>0005 >>0093 >>0401 >>0613 >>0666


JUST IN: Fox News reporter Peter Doocy literally had to jump over a fence to ask Biden a question about his conversations with his son’s business partners during his time as vice president.




Doocy: "There's this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot talking business."


Biden: "I never talked business… I knew you'd have a lousy question."


Is Biden lying or does he just have dementia?

Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 2:56 p.m. No.19330137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151 >>0377 >>0401 >>0582 >>0613 >>0626 >>0655 >>0666






On December 23, 1913 the United States Congress passed the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT and by that committed the greatest act of TREASON in U.S. history. It surrendered the nation's sovereignty and sold the American people into slavery to a cabal of arch-charlatan bankers who proceeded to plunder, bankrupt, and conquer this nation with a MONEY SWINDLE.


The "money" the banks issue is merely bookkeeping entries. It costs them nothing and is not backed by their wealth, efforts, property, or risk. It is not redeemable except in more DEBT paper. The Federal Reserve Act forced us to pay compound interest on thin air. We now use worthless "NOTES" backed by our own credit that we cannot own and are made subject to compelled performance for the "PRIVILEGE."


From 1913 until 1933 the U.S. paid "interest" with more and more gold. The structured inevitability soon transpired - the Treasury of the United States' government was empty, the debt was greater than ever, and the U.S. declared bankruptcy. In exchange for using notes belonging to bankers who create them out of NOTHING on our credit, we are forced to repay in substance (labor, property, land, businesses, resources - life) in ever-increasing amounts. This IS the GREATEST HEIST AND FRAUD of all time.

Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:03 p.m. No.19330170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0183 >>0189

.@RobertKennedyJr tells @jimmy_dore: "We watched about 150 people come across the border… They're from Peru, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, India, China, Tibet, and Nepal…


In total, over three years, 7 million people have come across the border illegally into our country… After a few days, they're released into our country, and most of them are never seen or heard from again…


The stories that we heard from these people are absolutely heartbreaking. This is a humanitarian crisis because of the understanding across the globe that we now have an open border…


Many of them that have come across have been terribly abused… There's a tree that is visible from this wall that is called the rape tree where the cartels extract the final payment from women before they come across…


Then you know what happens to children at the border… The disappearances. People are extorted, exploited, or robbed. They're beaten and raped…


It's a crazy system. If you don't have a criminal record and you don't have money, the DHS will pay for your plane ticket to whatever destination you want in the country.


They are landing in New York and Minneapolis, and they are creating big burdens on the social service systems in those cities… Nine members of the Border Patrol have committed suicide this year because they are just utterly demoralized.


The cartels are now running everything at the border. The cartels have TikTok videos and YouTube videos that show you what you need to do to get into the United States.


Cartels are advertising across the globe. They pay $10,000 or $15,000 to the cartels and fly in from countries all over the world…


Border Patrol says the cartels time the illegal immigrant crossings so they can bring in bad people elsewhere along the border, whether it's drug smugglers or terrorists, or enforcers because what happens is they rob these people before they cross. So the people can't pay their final payments.


So the people that come across are now indentured servants to the cartel, and they're working off their payment in American cities…


The cartels are now running our immigration policy in this country, and they've brought 7 million people across illegally in the last three years.


During that same period, 3.1 million people came in legally… Meanwhile, the cartels are bringing twice as many across…


A nation cannot survive unless it controls its borders. It's part of the responsibility of being a nation, and this is a humanitarian crisis…


I was always against Trump's wall, but now I understand that there are places where you need the wall. You don't need 2,200 miles… but in populated areas, you definitely need a barrier.


In unpopulated areas, you can do it with remote sensing, cameras, towers, and all of these surveillance systems… When the Biden administration came in, according to the Border Patrol, many of the cameras were removed.


I don't know why.


There are about six or eight big gaps in the fence that could easily be closed. They already bought the material, and the Border Patrol was begging DHS Secretary Alejandro Myorkas to close the gaps…


There are tens of millions of dollars of wall on the ground there that just hasn't been put into place and the Border Patrol tells me that Myorkas came in and said 'we're not going to use Trump's material.'


I don't care what you think about Trump, but that is not a good choice for our country… The fence Myorkas put in doesn't go underground…


It's easy to cut. It's easy to get through. It's easy to penetrate. And it shows political pettiness. It's distressing that people in public office would do that…


It took me three days to really comprehend how insane it was. You meet parents who had lost their kids coming across pleading with us, can you help me find my child?


We can't let this continue… People who think that what we are doing is kind have no clue about what's happening down there."

Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:07 p.m. No.19330185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0401 >>0613 >>0666

JUST IN: Devastating footage emerges from Front Street in Downtown Lahaina, Hawaii after massive fire sweeps the island

Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:56 p.m. No.19330463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0613 >>0666



ZUBY: What were all those other 80% of Twitter staff doing? 🤨


ELON: Censoring the public on behalf of governments is a lot of work!

Anonymous ID: f6c783 Aug. 9, 2023, 3:59 p.m. No.19330478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0493 >>0613 >>0666

.@RobertKennedyJr: The People Engineering the Ukraine War Are the Same Ones Who Engineered the War in Iraq


The 20-year war on terror costs the US $8 trillion. What did America get for $8 trillion?


• Inflation, AKA a tax on the middle class and poor.


• Iraq is argued to be worse off than it was under Saddam Hussein’s rule.


• The war resulted in the deaths of an estimated 600,000 to 1 million Iraqis.


• Iraq has become an incoherent nation, torn between Shia and Sunni factions, leading to ongoing violence.


• The power vacuum created has allowed Iran to exert influence over Iraq, which is the outcome the US wanted to avoid.


• The war and subsequent instability led to the rise of ISIS.


• The conflict displaced 2 million refugees to Europe, which contributed to Brexit.


• “And now we don’t have a middle class left in America. And that’s really where our strength comes from. Our strength comes from the middle class.”

