This was a fun little read…
Was the United States of America Corporation dissolved?
The questioner is referring to the Organic Act of 1871, which incorporated the District of Columbia, an area of the sort known elsewhere as the Federal District. This corporation was not dissolved, but its original provisions were altered by the enactment of Home Rule in 1973.
That's the answer. If you wish the story, read on:
After the Revolution, the United States were very much a collective of sovereign, go-their-own-way states. [Some of them were slave-holding, as you may remember.]
To ensure the autonomy of the federal government it was considered necessary for it not to be headquartered IN any of those states, as that would give said state undue influence.
So far, so good. Other countries share this reasoning, at least as far back as Royal Tara, the seat of the High King being outside any of the four Irish kingdoms.
Territory was still fairly flexible back then [Massachusetts claimed it owned Maine; several states claimed their latitudes all the way to the Pacific.] so the federal government just snipped a square out of Virginia and Maryland for their own. (Later, they returned the Virginia part. Separate story).
Trouble was, initially part of this zone was still under Virginia law (slave state); part under Maryland. This was not workable, and each former state part had one city in it, Alexandria in Virginia; Georgetown in Maryland. Accordingly, the U.S. planted a whole new city, Washington, on the (former) Maryland side, got a French guy to plot it out for them and called the whole shebang the District of Columbia (Funny story about that, too; concerns British Columbia. Later.)
If things are too quiet at the neighborhood bar, you can always start a trivia argument by asserting that DC is a city, a county and a state but is also none of these things. (Washington is the city. It's IN DC, whatever that is.)
In 1873, the Grant administration appointed a federal overseer to run it. He promptly blew through his budget and bankrupted the place (more story), so Congress ran it until the aforementioned Home Rule in 1973.
Now, just to illustrate how hard it is to understand something if you think misunderstanding it is in your interest, various groups, notably Sovereign Citizen, have insisted the Organic Act, which mentions “municipal corporation,” MUST mean the entire United States was made into a stockholder business. (There's a story there, too, but I'll never try to explain it; it's just too weird.)