A shitload of white people concerned about the browning of the nation their ancestors built. People who don't want to see it handed off to people who could not build it nor maintain it. People who like nice things. People who want to see a future for white children in America.
It's been like that everywhere, even in the southwest where the browning has largely taken over. This is a predominantly white person's movement carried by a wave of white working class anger that has been building for the last decade or even longer, because Bush didn't do us any favors either.
Go have a banana nigger, south western rallies and south eastern rallies have been largely the same as the Fargo one and you're crazy if you try to deny that. This is a movement for white Americans.
Not saying you can't stand with us, but don't expect to benefit from the movement or for it to stop and be about you at any point.
That comment in defense of Roe V Wade was out of fucking line and I won't put up with shit like that here or anywhere.
Want divisionfaggot or literal satanfagging? go look at the previous thread where some jackass defended abortion rights just so blacks can abort their crapkids safely because otherwise they'd have it in some back alley by a wino named Tom. That's what set me off.
I don't care if they're there or not, really. I said they can stand with us but the movement is for the benefit of white Americans.
Has civnats btfo
The guy in the black shirt wasnt even black.
Hat shadow's a bitch, ain't it?
Tell that to the son of a bitch who defended abortion rights just so black women can survive their bad decisions.