Anonymous ID: d36859 Aug. 10, 2023, 2:44 p.m. No.19335854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5869

"Neither the Marxians nor the racists nor the supporters of any other brand of polylogism ever went further than to declare that the logical structure of mind is different with various classes, races, or nations. They never ventured to demonstrate precisely in what the logic of the proletarians differs from the logic of the bourgeois, or in what the logic of the Aryans differs from the logic of the non-Aryans,or the logic of the Germans from the logic of the French or the British.

In the eyes of the Marxians the Ricardian theory of comparative cost is spurious because Ricardo was a bourgeois. The German racists condemn the same theory because Ricardo was a Jew, and the German nationalists because he was an Englishman. Some German professors advanced all these three arguments together against the validity of Ricardo's teachings. How-ever, it is not enough to reject a theory whoIesaIe by unmasking the background of its author. What is wanted is first to expound a system of logic different from that applied by the criticized author. Then it would be necessary to examine the contested theory point by point and to show where in its reasoning inferences are made which-although correct from the point of view of its author's logic-are invalid from the point of view of the proletarian, Aryan, or German logic. And finally, it should be explained what kind of conclusions the replacement of the author's vicious inferences by the correct inferences of the critic's own logic must lead to. As everybody knows, this never has been and never can be attempted by anybody." - Von Mises, L.1949


The same shill pattern on QResearch has been spamming information sets worldwide for many MANY years/generations. The same propaganda used in Europe 1930s/1940s is being flooded on QR in 2023. Coincidence, Anon guesses not a chance.


Broken record system trusted is the only 'power' perpetuating it. No need to trust inconsistent sources anymore, doesn't matter how big they are, such a dialectic mind could be the size of a galaxy and little tiny Anon can know truths about that mind that that mind refuses to publicly say about itself (it is labelling innocent Anon mind as guilty of its own 'projective' force of 'awareness' of reality). Anons can know when they are falsely accused as 'wrong' when they're told it's on a background the attacker "assigns" to them. No need to say 'no I'm not what you say', if any post says Anon is anything, that's what Anon will be in one mind, that's not up to this Anon mind to decide, or behave in a jealous way with it, Anon just has trust in a unilogism to resolve, only way to be reciprocal is to acknowledge that going after a person justifies them going after you, any honest Anon need not worry at all and in fact likely inwardly feel, maybe, possibly, as a 'oh yeah', because it simultaneously makes yourself honest and also allows one to see when dishonesty is thrown at you not because you're wrong but because you're right about there being an accuser against your life to stop you from being between them and their 'targets' for 'hunt'.


The polylogist narrative from the Marxists/Fascists/[Cult] is a projection of their own self view of superiority/'the other' inferior in 'understood' existential mutual recognition to 'explain' why their minds can 'play a game' with their own thoughts of immortality and omniscience 'differing' from their mortal, finite, corporeal bodies subject to the unilogism of time, and 'rebel' in speech and praxis to mislead minds that are viewed as trusted the best when they're blindingly trusting the false accuser(s). They see their own finite minds spewing inconsistencies/lies at you as a 'higher' form of behavior and spit and laugh and jail you and anyone who seeks consistency in reciprocal mutual recognition of free to speak without gov/media/silencing/censoring/suppression that this pattern of public mind control (op mockingbrd/pedowood) is knowingly taking place, "speak truth about our lies and you'll be jailed/[worse taken off board, digital trail too great?] for the rest of your lives".


Pretty sure most human beings worldwide would if they knew it was happening anywhere, they would not 'accept' a globalist women and child trafficking crime network whose channels were paused until players in custody (never thought she would lose). Drip drops work better for bigger pills.


Sound of Freedom 'triggered' a 4am talking point style attack vector from Rolling Stone, The Guardian, etc, to smear and slander the narrative of there being such a network, as to be 'mocked'.

It's the same pattern leaking into more and more obviously contrived psyops that by praxis effectively defend the trafficking by way of urging silence/censorship/condemnation about it.

Anonymous ID: d36859 Aug. 10, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.19336219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6227 >>6261 >>6511

Q+ enters into Overton Window the logic "Who/what is responsible for Evil?"


Anon will never trust source that is simultaneously both trying to eradicate narrative of God and going after children, going after women, going after the young, grooming, brainwashing, targeting everything 'close' to God in the narrative as a means to 'change reality', and at the same time claiming to be the world's 'experts' on why God made them do what they do.

Anonymous ID: d36859 Aug. 10, 2023, 5:03 p.m. No.19336511   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon would assess such 'testimony' to be the rantings of a threat to humanity who should be in prison or an insane asylum. "I rape and kill your children because it was God's will" -insta distrust.


The mind virus isn't of the flesh, it's a spiritual, informational Marxism/Hegelianism/Luciferianism ("God is becoming itself through my mind therefore I am the real god over 'the other''s flesh"). It's a cult-like devotion like a pattern that jealously guards a Stirnerism for me but not for thee inconsistency struggle for political legitimacy by intimidating people pre-engagement to ensure a division narrative persists to keep the source(s) "hidden".



Anon will never trust "God made me kill you" "God made me kill your child" as some acme superior 'dogma' revealing itself in 'enlightened' minds.