Hunter needs to be . . .
Hunter needs to be . . .
who is David Weiss?
If the guy already tried to give a sweet-heart deal to Hunter, so shouldn't be be disqualified from any further participation in this very serious matter?
if ignorance is bliss, you must be in ecstasy.
how bold to try and explain 1600 years of history in 4 lines.
you must be exceptionally gifted.
end satire
you concision is revision
the sweet heart deal maker gets to kissy kissy some more with Hunter and his frens.
the other option would be no censorship and a lot more (mostly useless) breads.
while I don't agree with censorship, I do like 'street cleaning' and the shit needs to be cleaned up on a public walkway.
this place is like that.
they all know that their stuff is suspect, and yet they choose to post it anyway.
It's a tough thing to have to be a censor.
the alternative is many many more breads all filled up with hateful spam.
I understand why you made the choice you did.
why are you 'onwer' and not 'Owner'