Alright I forgive you if you're a newfag but this is almost smoking pepe levels of ratardad. Of course Anons are going to fucking say hello to the greatest military operation in history giving us the highest classified drops of all time. Da fuq?
Alright I forgive you if you're a newfag but this is almost smoking pepe levels of ratardad. Of course Anons are going to fucking say hello to the greatest military operation in history giving us the highest classified drops of all time. Da fuq?
IP hopping again huh? You're the only one who would care enough to post to me. No one else gives a shit.
God bless everyone on the board. Such positivity, much wow.
Thing of beauty it is. Funny thing is the shills think I spammed Sam, not true. The day of the spam I posted the first one in the morning and that's it. I don't do high repetition, I make my point more effectively.
V nice gif BTW
You can't filter me. That would be like filtering yourself. You can't possibly look away, for I am nothing more than a reflection of you in the mirror. If you don't like my posts it's because you don't like what you see in yourself. Between you and Tranimae some of the worst of the all time worst "board personalities", someone gotta make a stand. Some day you'll understand it was all out of tough love, you obnoxious autistic faggot. Love you buddy
I thought I was filtered.
He really doesn't like what he sees in the mirror, but it had to be this way.
Sometimes when you're an annoying bastard you need to see just how much of an annoying bastard you really are. All out of love.
Sorry buddy, looks like you still got a looooot of work to do with that ego. Kek
God bless everyone, especially (You).