When I was in grammar school and the teacher was explaining the collapse of, I think, the Roman Empire I remember looking out the window a thinking how could America possible collapse. I couldn't imagine it.
1980 came along and I thought why did the economy swinging from good to bad to good.
1995 I started to figure out somethings wrong with the government and the Clinton's are involved.
Rush comes on and says this too shall pass. Haaaa
From then on I slowly realized the two parties are in cahoots with each other and cemented this belief in 2010
When the tea party rose I had hope. Haaaa
I knew than the only was was if someone with the right stuff lead the charge.
One morning I woke up and was standing in front of the kitchen sink and heard Donald Trump was running. I turn around and said to others THAT'S IT.
I barely knew who trump was but for some reason I just knew He could move the tea party forward