I was just watching this video on the Templars, and there is a small segment where the narrator begins talking about Baphomet and the AtBash Cipher that translates the word Baphomet to Sofia.
Now, that was of interest to me as I have this old file saved of images of some old book done in apparent gold leaf.
One of the translations that wasn't making any sense to me, was the one page with an apparent moth and the Hebrew is translated by Google (to the best of my uneducated understanding, since I do not know Hebrew) as:something about Sofia and Heart, but I never went any farther with it because it was taking up so much of my time. But now after I watched that video segment, my interest was sparked again to look into the translation again.
For any anons that are interested, I will post what I have so far.
I was translating page by page, of which I am far from finished from doing.
My method is a bit time consuming and a lot of times, I am taking "MY BEST GUESS" on what and which Hebrew letter/number is being used.
Would help if anyone actually has a working knowledge of Hebrew and could translate directly, but for now all that I can do is look at the image, take a good guess at which letter it is, look up that symbol on Wikipedia, copy that symbol, and paste it into Google Translate.