Anonymous ID: e940b5 Aug. 12, 2023, 1:24 a.m. No.19344723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon has had a long think about Caviezel encouraging people to be brave and stand up to evil. Find a way, confront it, oppose it was the advice, that kind of thing.


What Caviezel does not say is how the evil ones use fear and shock to cow people using powerful dragon energy/chaos magic and how to overcome that.


Caviezel is right: one must confront evil, not tolerate it. But to confront evil one must first cut through the fear and address the evil person generating that fear.


There is maybe a weakness to exploit, and that is where you cut through.


In one example, an evil one was lauding the host company's mandatory vaccine policy. Evil one was feeling powerful and publicly shaming anti-vaxxers, calling them plague bearers and grandma killers. Evil one would have fit right in with Nazi Germany, she was captivated by ginned-up hate and emboldened by her keyboard and screen in a very large public channel she co-owned.


Upon reflection, Anon knows that the weakness in her thinking was time. Covid would fade, but people would take down her name and remember how she very publicly de-personed those she disagreed with in the moment and how she frightened everyone. She was making a losing move in the game of life.


The winning play is to step away from fear, discover a weakness, then explore that weakness and attack it to show others how the monster in their midst can be wounded. Naming the evil can help to dispel the evil.


This is what Anon will do next time so that their heart will not be ruled by fear.


Anon's original response was to run a clumsy counter-psyop to spread general Covid FUD and reject the mandates on freedom grounds - fighting fire with fire felt good, but it's not great for the career.