Pretty sure identities were kept Anon, as far as my memory holds.
As for McCabe and Comey being put into meme form, I don't recall one of those either
Pretty sure identities were kept Anon, as far as my memory holds.
As for McCabe and Comey being put into meme form, I don't recall one of those either
Baker, just an fyi, the article >>19347734 is old.
If you want to remove, I'm fine with it.
About Liberals..
I think these are correct, gotta label so many
Donald Trump presents the 10 commandments on top of Mount Sinai - colorized, sometime between the 13th and 16th century BCE.
(For the keks.)
You know we have reporters asking questions to which we Anons have the answers to?
QReserch is just fine.