Anonymous ID: 73a378 Aug. 12, 2023, 9:32 p.m. No.19349021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

maybe anons can understand now why the b.i.s subject is so hard to pin down and difficult to expain to the masses.

they know the rothschild, but they are separate from the banks legally but not officially.

Archive this bread because you will never find a moar full dump of material on this subject.

anon would be happy for a honest anon to take up the task, earn the glory and earn the bucks.

have at it, or wait as long as it takes for this anon to learn new skills and video editing plus write the timeline script and present the info .

still class muhself as a amateur when it comes to video editing and using the softward.

p.s spammers during the grave yard shift as well as gorefag.