Anonymous ID: d87154 Aug. 12, 2023, 10:32 p.m. No.19349143   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9190 >>9213


Dad had a small sailboat, not as flat bottomed as that but he wanted one. The keel (centerboard) can be lifted up for sailing in very shallow water.

We sailed up and down Lake Champlain one summer. Great memories but sailing ain't for me. he loved it super windy and let the boat tip till water was just lapping over the edge.

Anonymous ID: d87154 Aug. 12, 2023, 11:39 p.m. No.19349285   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9290


Who Is Sorcha Faal?


Conscious Awareness For All

December 1, 2017


At face value, SORCHA FAAL and 'her' website,, are a bit of an anomaly in the world of independent journalism. The site claims to be the “World’s Largest English Language News Service With Over 500 Articles Updated Daily.” This, of course, is a complete lie. One need only to look as far as the Associated Press, Breitbart or Reuters to supplant such a false claim.

So, the site claims to have been started in response to the 2003 Iraq war. But WHO started the site? Well, it wasn’t started by SORCHA FAAL, because “SORCHA FAAL” DOES NOT EXIST! She is a figment of the imagination. Whose imagination? DAVID BOOTH.


An archive of an early version of the site reveals that BOOTH is the person behind the keyboard. Who is DAVID BOOTH? He is purportedly a researcher and a psychic, claiming to have foreseen and predicted the May 1979 crash of American Airlines flight 191 in Chicago, Illinois, which killed 273 people.


BOOTH is also an author. He penned the book “Code Red: The Coming Destruction Of The United States, 2004.” However, the book was quickly revealed to be nearly COMPLETELY plagiarized and fabricated. BOOTH gleefully ripped off entire portions of text from author AMITAKH STANFORD’s 2002 copyrighted article “Nibiru And The Anunnaki” [not to mention numerous others] and reproduced her work, in its near entirety, passing it off as his own. He also claims to be a cousin of the late Pope JOHN PAUL, II.


BOOTH has established himself as a cook and a con artist, but it gets worse. He reportedly has ties to the CIA [United States Central Intelligence Agency], specializing in COINTELPRO [counter-intelligence programs].


His site claims the following attributes: is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oculus Miranda

848 North Rainbow Boulevard #2098

Las Vegas, NV 89107


Google Maps reveals this location to be an inconspicuous strip mall [an obvious fake address]. The phone number belongs to a VOIP [Voice Over Internet Protocol] account in the Westchester area of Washington, D.C., lending credence to the CIA accusations. The Latin phrase “Oculus Miranda” is a loose English translation of “all-seeing eye,” an Illuminati staple. The site also features Illuminati images of the Freemasonic compass, a pyramid with the all-seeing eye, the 6-pointed star and the Egyptian sun.



FACT: “SORCHA FAAL” is an anagram of the words “AS OF RACHAL,” with “RACHAL” being the name of DAVID BOOTH’s daughter.