Anonymous ID: 2db4ca Aug. 13, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.19350097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0101 >>0107 >>0134


yeah, but you didn't

stop patting yourself on the back and take Hate-Trump Hate-America to the bank - to cash your check

tehy might not be flowing too much longer.

The fact you are so unkind, to people you should be kind to, will come and haunt you.

Wait and see.


that meme looks like the anime fag. Transgender people are often very cruel and two-faced. I think it's the hormones.

Anonymous ID: 2db4ca Aug. 13, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.19350154   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The Tranimai and OSS Brown Shirt line


they never do say what that might mean, but just use the accusatiory tone and hope people side with ridicuoulsness.

who cares if someone I Hops

Who cares if someons' Jewish.

you people are fools and your little acts are getting so stale they are putrid

Funny I knew it was "Tranime" personality. How did I know that?

It also always uses the word "seeth"

Limited vocabutlary

Same routine over and over.


no Tranime is the clown sign


Tramine"s been away a while.

feel free to ignore.






How did I know that.

Tranime" leaves for long periods of time - and loses track.

Maybe it can be run off the board again.

We stuck it out. Even with it's boyfriend Storm Trooper OSS

We tolerated it through that sadist's reign.

You know the shill and Tranime" character are on the same side as Biden and the ANTIFA;

How do you know?

They lie so much.

Only Obama HRC and Biden followers can lie that bad.