Anonymous ID: b4bf8a Aug. 13, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.19349803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's pharma again. They give them pills forever and then turn them loose on society. Can't tell you how many family and friends I've known that are bi-polar. That dope don't work, but puts crazies out on the streets with us.


Deinstitutionalization was based on the principle that severe mental illness should be treated in the least restrictive setting. As further defined by President Jimmy Carter 's Commission on Mental Health, this ideology rested on "the objective of maintaining the greatest degree of freedom, self-determination, autonomy, dignity, and integrity of body, mind, and spirit for the individual while he or she participates in treatment or receives services." This is a laudable goal and for many, perhaps for the majority of those who are deinstitutionalized, it has been at least partially realized.