Born rich: The world's 30 biggest family fortunes control $1.1 trillion in inherited wealth - and 11 American families made the list
Ownership in 25 companies has given 30 families control over $1.1 trillion
Eleven American companies helped land these families on the international list
The oil, fashion and retail industries spawned some of the richest inheritances
nheriting massive wealth is a rare privilege, but some families have managed to establish fortunes that span multiple generations.
Ownership in 25 companies has allowed 30 families to control $1.1 trillion of the world's wealth, often with grandchildren and great-grandchildren still reaping the rewards of their industrious forefathers.
Major multi-generational inheritances have been spawned by the oil, fashion and newspaper industries, as well as retail giants, automakers and candy companies, among others - and 11 American companies made the list for generating the world's biggest family fortunes, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.