Anonymous ID: c344b0 June 27, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.1935570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This fucker!


Dirty: Comey Had Team of ‘Cleaners’ To Deal with Agents Who Wouldn’t Play Ball on Clinton Probe

"Conservative journalist and author Paul Sperry claims that former FBI Director James Comey had agents act as “cleaners” to retaliate against other agents who disagreed with his handling of the Hillary Clinton email case.


The tweet also claims that agents who refused to play ball had investigations opened on them with the Office of Professional Responsibility.


Sperry has been one of a handful of Washington reporters who have been tracking some of the goings-on at the FBI under Comey, particularly during the 2016 election cycle. Between his reporting and that of The Hill’s John Solomon, we’ve gotten a clearer picture of a bureau that wasn’t following its own procedures dealing with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump."

Anonymous ID: c344b0 June 27, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.1935656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To Prevent Repeat of 2016, 25 States Move To Keep Trump Off Ballot

Lest the voters have an unfettered choice of candidates, 25 states have introduced legislation targeting President Donald Trump to keep him off the ballot in 2020.

The bills would require that to get on the ballot in any state, a presidential candidate must have released his or her taxes, Axios has reported. Trump, a billionaire before he won the 2016 election, has refused to release his tax returns.

To date, no state has approved such a law. In California and New Jersey, the bill did get as far as passing the state legislature, but in both cases it was vetoed.

New Jersey’s bill was killed in 2017 by former Gov. Chris Christie, who called it “clearly unconstitutional” and a “transparent political stunt masquerading as a bill.”