>>19348627 pb
2000 years ago Koreans already had latrines, the Chinese didn't
>>19348627 pb
2000 years ago Koreans already had latrines, the Chinese didn't
>Bezos and that dirty sanchez donate
i mean we already know the "donation" game
>100,000,000 $
could that be the price of a levelled island?
What Happened after the Beijing Flood? - Why The Chinese Government is Terrified
also the part 10 min 53 sec in this vid
faggot Musk's "X" allows this to happen
this notable >>19350352 is not about the flooding, but the faking and the censoring of crimes against the Chinese people, which Musk's X team is knowingly allowing
>Trump comes out and says we stole the election to prove there was fraud
i don't get this part
i mean, i get that Biden is an actor and that the election was stolen and that the fraud was captured in real time, ok, but explain to me, please, why would Trump steal it for them?
why would Flynn answer sth that was faked?
Prayer sent. Hope the specialist will find out you are healthy!
is the medicine fag here?
what helps for Diabetes mellitus type 1?
this only helps with type 2