Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 9:51 a.m. No.19351189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1206 >>1241

Records Reveal Fauci Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered'

Sarah Arnold

''While the entire United States was under authoritarian mandates, top so-called Covid-19 “experts” were making hundreds of millions of dollars on the pandemic that caused lifelong hurdles for many Americans.''


According to records, the former NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and former NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made huge profits from royalty checks during the Chinese virus-fueled pandemic. At the same time, thousands of people struggled to put food on the table.


OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, recently released over 1,500 unredacted records revealing the leaders of the country’s National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases profited off the virus that killed thousands of people.


On top of that, Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to research the Coronavirus.


The records show Collins and Fauci got 58 royalty payments for allowing companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines, which in return was developed with funding from U.S. taxpayers by private pharmaceutical firms.


So, in other words, the Covid pandemic was one big ploy for the government to get massively wealthy.


Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 56,000 transactions were recorded, totaling over $325 million banked by the “experts.”


“The NIH continues to refuse to voluntarily divulge the names of scientists who receive royalties and from which companies over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1800 NIH employees,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said. “We know that. Not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act.”


Top Covid Experts Raked in 58 Royalty Payments During Pandemic While Americans Suffered


Dr. Francis Collins, former NIH Director, and Dr. Tony Fauci, former NIAID Director, cashed in big time during the Covid pandemic. The two most influential Covid experts raked in 58 royalty…


— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) August 12, 2023


Between 2010 and 2021, Fauci received 37 payments from three entities, including 15 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology— which ranks fifth in royalty payments. Fauci also received 14 from Ancell Corp. and eight from Chiron Corp., which was later bought by Novartis, allowing the company to obtain significant NIH funds.


According to OpenTheBooks, names, and license numbers for each payment is absent from the records— data that the NIH initially withheld but was later forced to release by a court. This information is essential to know if there were any potential conflicts of interest.


Records also show that Fauci, the highest-paid federal worker with a 2022 salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised.

Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 9:56 a.m. No.19351218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1246 >>1660

The List of Topics We’re Not Supposed to Write About

Katie Pavlich OPINION Katie Pavlich

Aug 12, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of


Dear readers,


''By now you’re familiar with moves by big tech platforms to censor factual and important reporting in partnership with the federal government. While this unprecedented assault on the First Amendment is being investigated by Congress, outlets like Townhall are still being punished for reporting the facts about major issues that impact everyday Americans. ''


Climate change is one of those issues and it’s an agenda being driven by the left to limit our freedoms, control our choices, and implement the largest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.


The Biden Administration is constantly working to drive the agenda, whether it’s going after gas stoves and everyday home appliances, forcing the car industry to produce unreliable and unaffordable electric vehicles, or sending billions of tax dollars overseas to comply with worthless yet expensive globalist climate pacts.


''When we write about climate change, big tech advertising algorithms cut off our revenue and claim “disinformation” or “misinformation.” ''


That’s why it is essential to independently fund our journalism through Townhall VIP. As a VIP member, you can ensure our reporters are able to continue covering important topics and expose big government lies being proliferated in order to implement burdensome, anti-freedom government control under the guise of “saving the environment.”


But it’s not just "climate change" that gets us demonetized and unable to fund our work. It’s a whole list of story topics including election irregularities, voter fraud, the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine side effects, and coverups, protecting women’s sports and spaces from biological men, child sex trafficking, and much more.


''All of these stories get “flagged.” We can’t afford to bury the truth or to demonetize our stories every time they land on a big tech taboo list of topics. ''


That's why our VIP members are literally saving us. (THANK YOU VIP's!)


Without the support of our VIP members, we’d be out of business - and the truth about these issues wouldn't be reported.

Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:01 a.m. No.19351246   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Topics We’re Not Supposed to Write About


>By now you’re familiar with moves by big tech platforms to censor factual and important reporting in partnership with the federal government. While this unprecedented assault on the First Amendment is being investigated by Congress, outlets like Townhall are still being punished for reporting the facts about major issues that impact everyday Americans.


>Climate change is one of those issues and it’s an agenda being driven by the left to limit our freedoms, control our choices, and implement the largest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.


>The Biden Administration is constantly working to drive the agenda, whether it’s going after gas stoves and everyday home appliances, forcing the car industry to produce unreliable and unaffordable electric vehicles, or sending billions of tax dollars overseas to comply with worthless yet expensive globalist climate pacts.


>When we write about climate change, big tech advertising algorithms cut off our revenue and claim “disinformation” or “misinformation.”


>But it’s not just "climate change" that gets us demonetized and unable to fund our work. It’s a whole list of story topics including election irregularities, voter fraud, the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine side effects, and coverups, protecting women’s sports and spaces from biological men, child sex trafficking, and much more.


>All of these stories get “flagged.” We can’t afford to bury the truth or demonetize our stories every time they land on a big tech taboo list of topics.

Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.19351360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1367 >>1404



Obama has had his picture taken with some effeminate men.

Do you think Obama is gay?



10:27 PM · Aug 12, 2023

Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:40 a.m. No.19351436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463 >>1547

All suspicions have been confirmed about Maui. They did this on purpose.

This was not an accident or a freak force of nature. It's geoengineering and using weather as a weapon to level and evict people from their land for their sociopathic sustainable development goals and transhumanist smart cities.

Anonymous ID: 52f130 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19351473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flatmates … Barack Obama and Sohale Siddiqi on the sofa in 1981. Photograph: Phil Boerner

A new play depicts the president in his student days sharing a shabby Harlem apartment with party-loving Pakistani Sal Maqbool. So what does the real flatmate, now living in Seattle, make of it?


When historians look back on Barack Obama's first and second presidential elections, they may see some commonality. Four years ago, the country's first black White House candidate was smeared with all sorts of allegations. The would-be president was not born in the US. He was a mole. A socialist – no, make that a communist. Barack was gay. Barack was a Marxist. And a Muslim too.


Now the same myths are rumbling through the country's bars, online forums and, worryingly, major news outlets. And this time there is a list of failed promises – on Guantánamo, universal healthcare – to add to the attack, while the personal claims seem to be yet more torrid (this week's most bizarre is that "Obama's mother was a porn star").


It is against this backdrop that new playwright Rashid Razaq is staging his debut production, based on Obama's college days at Columbia, New York. Provocatively titled The President and the Pakistani, it revisits Harlem, 1981, when "Barry" Obama was living with his alleged party-loving, drug-abusing, illegal alien Pakistani friend, Sohale Siddiqi.


Provocatively titled The President and the Pakistani, it revisits Harlem, 1981, when "Barry" Obama was living with his alleged party-loving, drug-abusing, illegal alien Pakistani friend, Sohale Siddiqi.


"They had an odd-couple relationship," says Razaq, a reporter, showing me a picture of the pair sprawled on a mustard yellow sofa, a leather-jacketed and polo-sweatered Obama kicking back with an impressively moustached, skinny Pakistani.


In the play, Siddiqi has been renamed Salim "Sal" Maqbool. In Obama's 1995 autobiography, Dreams From My Father, he was recreated as a composite character named Sadik, mentioned in only a few pages.