Anonymous ID: 6c1ab7 Aug. 13, 2023, 4:20 p.m. No.19353024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The fuckers posting hate for all Jewish people are PLANTS and do it for one reason only — Communist Popular Front Tactics, the oldest ones in the book. It goes along with RAYCISS, HOMOPHOBE, SEXISSS, NAZI… so that the truths regarding a historical PERCENTAGE is drowned out. For starters, look into Columbia University and the Frankfurt School, or The Communist Infiltration of Hollywood… Prime cases in point: Talking about Soros is “anti semitic”, HOW? Look at this: “The Wrap”, at least, acknowledges it was a RERUN:

Fox News Bans Guest for Making False Accusations Against Democrat Donor George Soros Chris Farrell accused Soros of funding the migrant caravan in Central America on “Lou Dobbs Tonight”


So does, which also has Video (clip above): October 28, 2018 (VID, cause of ban, in link ): Chris Farrell, the director of investigations and research at Judicial Watch, the conservative activist group, will no longer appear as a guest on Fox News or Fox Business Network, a spokesperson for the networks confirmed to TPM Sunday. The blacklisting followed there-airing Saturday of a Thursday interviewbetween Farrell and Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs. In the interview, a clip of which went viral Saturday after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, Farrell described the State Department as “Soros-occupied” and said George Soros was indirectly paying migrants and asylum seekers traveling toward the U.S.-Mexico Border. The comment was widely seen as an anti-Semitic dog whistle. “We condemn the rhetoric by the guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Fox Business Network’s senior vice president of programming, Gary Schreier, said in a statement shared with TPM Sunday. “This episode was a repeat which has now been pulled from all future airings.” Soros — the liberal philanthropist and donor, and a frequent target of right-wing conspiracy mongering and anti-Semitism… Yeah, this is fucking SOROS they've been PROTECTING via the olddest Communist Tactic in the book.


Yet look at this from the washington “examiner” (a site I had previously thought was not as biased as all the others) despite it having been a fucking RE-RUN:

Over the weekend, Fox Business issued a rare apology. A guest on Lou Dobbs' show, Chris Farrell, the "director of investigations and research" at Judicial Watch, said that the migrant caravan headed for the Southern border of the U.S. was funded and directed by the “Soros-occupied State Department.” This sure looks like an anti-Semitic reference to the "Zionist Occupied Government," sometimes known as ZOG, that the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter had reposted references to on his social media accounts. This belief seems to be directly linked to his deadly attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue. …In the aftermath of a shooting that left 11 dead at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Fox Business was called out for airing Farrell's remarks, prompting the network to back away from the guest. But it’s worth looking at the history behind anti-Semitic remarks like Farrell’s comments about George Soros and their link to the deadly violence against the Jewish community.After all, it was nearly this exact rhetoric, about a Jewish conspiracy funding the immigration caravan, that fueled the hate-filled shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.


Swear it, the MOST dangerous NWO/Communist propaganda comes from so-called “non-leftist”, “conservative” pravda, because ALL of pravda glorifies its “confirmations”.


See an obvious plant posting hateful shit to drown out legitimate INFO? IGNORE (or delete) instead of FEEDING it. See “anti-semite” cried regarding Historical Facts, however (as proven above)? Back it the fuck up with MORE Historical Facts! Don’t let Communist Tactical Operatives infiltrate and WIN this board as they’ve done literally everywhere else.