Anonymous ID: 6f2be3 Aug. 13, 2023, 4:31 p.m. No.19353105   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon will elabrate

There are two paths

1) The Globalist path

control the world via tech into human and social credit I:D plus depopulation.

They have made a massive mistake with blackrock, state street and vanguard.

putting all the assets in a small basket which can be frozen by the federal reserve for treason and crimes against humanity.

The cost has and will be high in lives but must be stopped.

THE B.I.S agenda 2025 and the w.e.f agenda 2030 are linked including the W.H.O pandemic preparedness act that they are trying to push through for total control.

2) Trump and MAGA

Free the usa from the globalist, Trump is the Chairman of the Treasury and has merged the federal reserve with it. holding many board members on the federal reserve. He has passed E.O which were enacted around 2017 and came to a head on dec 2021 for the banks to bring their audits up to date and declare their books.

note above is a brief off the top of anons head recollection.

Anons can find the E.O's which state that.

last rally trump did in OHIO he told the people to stay save and health. This was no ordinary statement.

Anons can find the video of him stating that from the rsbn footage.

If he holds china to account for it role in the w.e.f attack on the world.

we will go back to individual currencies and control including currency wars.

They may have the control now but without assets they lose it all.

it is why nationalism and having your strategic assets like energy and its populations keeping their original cultures result in better societies.

remember the old saying.

Culture is upstream to a health society

or society is down stream from culture

Based on the bible and its teachings and moral guidance we can return to freedom.

it is why


Anonymous ID: 6f2be3 Aug. 13, 2023, 4:44 p.m. No.19353199   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not sure anon.

this anon has thrown himself into research and digz on the B.I.S and the banksters.

in fact anon has been following the money for years but only last week anon came across the agenda 2025

They have been laying out their plans in the open.

Anon will let others deal with digz for now.

There is no criminal court that will arrest and bring the D.C criminals to account.

all that is, will happen for optics.

Stay frosty, it is not for the anons.

we have seen all the corruption as it was happening and know the players.