Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:31 p.m. No.19353101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124 >>3147 >>3158 >>3172 >>3181 >>3183 >>3331

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Laura Loomer



If there’s anything John Bolton loves more than foreign wars, it’s Ron DeSantis.


Did you know that former ambassador John Bolton has been financially supporting DeSantis for over 10 years?


He first met him during the Iraq war when he was pushing the lie of weapons of mass destruction (WMDS) and maintained and formed a working relationship with Ron DeSantis when he was in charge of overseeing torture at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO).


Read Substack.


Aug 13, 2023, 11:59 AM






If There's One Thing John Bolton Loves More Than War, It’s Ron DeSantis…


John Bolton has been cheerleading Ron DeSantis for an entire decade … so it's no wonder why he's joining the chorus of RINOS and ingrates who are backstabbing President Trump ahead of 2024.


“He’s Donald Trump without the baggage!” has become the rallying cry of a cadre of conservative social media “influencers” and political hacks, who have spent the last six years building their large online followings, selling merchandise, becoming e-celebrities, all while pocketing boatloads of cash off of attaching themselves to President Trump’s name and MAGA/ America First branding.


However, in a major plot twist, many of these same individuals are now dedicating their time and resources to destroying the greatest President in modern history ahead of the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary, with hopes of killing off President Trump’s 2024 campaign with propaganda and scripted and coordinated social media posts for their new Lord and Savior, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


But, it doesn’t take a stable genius to realize the hype surrounding “DeSantis 2024”, and the sudden anti-Trump narratives that are being pushed by Conservative Inc. (CON-INC) is a coordinated attack that is being funded by the GOP establishment, the bloated Military Industrial Complex, and our nation’s most notorious NeoCons.


All you have to do is look at the people coalescing around DeSantis in his disgraceful act of betrayal toward President Trump, the man he owes his entire political career to. Take for example Ron DeSantis’s billionaire sugar daddy, Ken Griffin, who said he is ready to back Ron DeSantis for President in 2024, and called President Trump “a three time loser”. Griffin, who is the head of Citadel, donated $1 million to the Obama Foundation in 2017, and in 2020, he wrote a $500,000 check to Joe Biden’s inaugural committee, despite evidence that has shown massive fraud in the 2020 Presidential election (voter fraud, which DeSantis has completely refused to acknowledge or admit).


However, one of the most telling alliances Ron DeSantis has formed, which highlights the fact that he is thorough and through a member of the GOP Establishment, is NeoCon-warmonger, former Ambassador John Bolton.


Bolton has yet to find a war he hasn’t liked, and he has emerged as one of the top cheerleaders for Governor DeSantis, who only escaped from the pits of political obscurity in 2018 during his nearly failed Gubernatorial campaign by painting himself as a “pitbull Trump defender.” It is important to remember that then candidate Ron DeSantis only won the Florida Gubernatorial election by less than one percentage point, and would have lost to Democrat Andrew Gillum if it wasn’t for Donald Trump graciously endorsing DeSantis, who was nothing more than a no-name Florida Congressman in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19353124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3331



Twitter avatar for @ScottMGreer

Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187


Ron DeSantis made a whole ad about his love for Trump back in 2018

11:55 PM ∙ Nov 16, 2022





While it is true that President Trump hired Bolton during his first term as President to serve as his National Security advisor, President Trump fired Bolton in 2019 after the two had disputes over foreign policy decisions regarding Iran, North Korea, and Afghanistan. On September 10, 2019, President Trump tweeted that he had fired John Bolton, which Bolton profusely denied, claiming that he offered his resignation to President Trump on his own accord.


Twitter avatar for @realDonaldTrump

Donald J. Trump


I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore….

3:58 PM ∙ Sep 10, 2019





Although Bolton has faded into a state of irrelevancy since he was fired by President Trump, he made waves on Thursday by bashing his former boss on national television, declaring: “Trump’s 2024 campaign is poison to the GOP.”


Naturally, Trump hit back on Truth Social with a brutal rebuke:



Just a few months ago, in one of Bolton’s many attacks on Trump, he took things a step further and seemed to give a tacit endorsement of Ron DeSantis challenging President Trump in 2024 for the GOP Presidential nomination.


“[DeSantis has] had a very successful run as Governor of Florida. He won re-election on Nov. 8 with a big majority. A lot of people look to him as the next generation candidate,” Bolton said, according to The Guardian. “That’s one of Trump’s biggest problems – his act is old and tired now.”


It is ironic, but unsurprising that the Left is taking a victory lap with the warmonger’s comments, considering just a few years ago, these same Leftists were correctly attacking Bolton for the blood he has happily acquired on his hands for decades, by serving as a cheerleader for endless wars abroad, particularly wars in the Middle East, including the Iraq War.


On July 12, 2022, during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Bolton admitted on live television that he has helped orchestrate coups in foreign countries. He continued to berate Trump on CNN, saying that Trump is not competent enough to “orchestrate and pull off a carefully planned coup d’etat…”


Twitter avatar for @wallacemick

Mick Wallace


Good to hear John Bolton the former #US National Security Adviser admit that he had illegally helped plan attempted Coups in foreign countries - We've known for a long time now that #US Empire believes International Law doesn't apply to them…

Twitter avatar for @I_Katchanovski

Ivan Katchanovski


"Speaking to CNN anchor … Bolton suggested Trump was not competent enough to pull off a "carefully planned coup d'etat," later adding: "As somebody who has helped plan coups d'etat - not here but you know (in) other places - it takes a lot of work."

8:55 AM ∙ Jul 13, 2022





Twitter avatar for @therecount

The Recount


Stunning statement from former National Security Advisor John Bolton on CNN just now:


"As someone who has helped plan coup d'état — not here but, you know, other places — it takes a lot of work."

8:39 PM ∙ Jul 12, 2022





Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.19353147   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In other words, Bolton thinks Ron DeSantis is much more fit for violating international law than President Donald Trump, who has been very vocal about being anti-war, and has publicly condemned the Iraq War. In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should be impeached for lying about alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), claims that catapulted the United States into the Iraq War.


In 2016 while campaigning for the Presidency during the highly confrontational GOP Presidential primary season, President Trump directly confronted GOP establishment darling Jeb Bush, the brother of George W. Bush, about the Iraq War, calling it “a disaster”.


Twitter avatar for @TrumpWarRoom

Trump War Room


Donald Trump in 2007 on the terrible cost of the Iraq War:


"Nobody talks about the soldiers that are coming back with no arms and no legs… The most beautiful people I've ever seen"


4:40 PM ∙ Sep 5, 2020





Given Donald Trump’s history or being anti- war as a private citizen, as President of the United States, and as Commander in Chief of the most equipped and powerful army in the entire world, it’s no surprise as to why John Bolton has lashed out at his former boss about not being a big enough warmonger for the GOP establishment’s liking.


Donald Trump was always against the Iraq War, while Ron DeSantis supported the war and got a position under the Bush administration as a result of the Iraq War, which he used to launch his political career after leaving the Navy. Many people are unaware of Ron DeSantis’s military background, and he often avoids talking about what he did while he was in the Navy, because the details of his work in the Navy are politically unpalatable to American voters on both sides of the political aisle, and anyone and everyone who falls in between the supposed “two party system”.


Prior to running for US Congress, and becoming Governor of Florida, DeSantis served as a Lt. Commander and JAG lawyer in the US Navy during the George W. Bush administration, where he was tasked with the “job” of overseeing the torture of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, and Fallujah during the Iraq War.


Mansoor Adayfi, formerly referred to as detainee #441 at Guantanamo Bay, publicly came forward following his release to say that Ron DeSantis allowed for, observed and participated in illegal acts of human torture between March 2006-January 2007.


Twitter avatar for @LauraLoomer

Laura Loomer


MUST SEE INTERVIEW: Eyewitness account of @MansoorAdayfi:


@GovRonDeSantis smiled & laughed while watching inhumane torture at Guantanamo Bay prison camp, where DeSantis oversaw torture for the Bush administration during the Iraq War!


Interview by @MikePrysner for @EyesLeftPod

2:16 AM ∙ Feb 2, 2023





In one particular graphic instance, Adayfi described how DeSantis watched “with amusement” during an inmate hunger strike as he and other detainees were force fed the meal replacement shake “Ensure” through a nasal feeding tube that was forcefully pushed down their throats. Adayfi also claimed that when he told DeSantis face to face this is no way to treat a fellow human being, Adayfi, who was suffering abdominal discomfort from being force fed, threw up the Ensure shake on Ron DeSantis’s face. When reporters reached out to DeSantis for comment about this incident, DeSantis reportedly “refused to comment”.


Given Ron DeSantis’s history of trying to push things down peoples’ throat without consent, it’s no surprise the GOP MAGA base is being force fed “DeSantis 2024” talking points by NeoCon warmongers, and washed-up social media influencers looking to make a quick buck by selling any bit of integrity they may have had left. But, let me be clear: Bolton’s attacks aren’t surprising, and they are certainly not new.


Bolton’s hatred for Trump and his America First foreign policy is well documented. But, what is less documented is just how long Bolton has been propping-up DeSantis.


In fact, DeSantis has been pocketing cash from Bolton’s PAC as far back as his first Congressional run, ten years ago.


DeSantis is even on video expressing his love for Bolton, stating that he views their leadership styles as being similar, and that Bolton is someone he admires, and aspires to be like!

Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:40 p.m. No.19353172   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Twitter avatar for @LauraLoomer

Laura Loomer


WATCH: In this video, Ron DeSantis says he views his leadership style as being similar to Ambassador John Bolton, & said Bolton is someone he admires and aspires to be like.


Bolton just told the media, “Trump’s 2024 campaign is poison to the GOP.”


Bolton is a DeSantis donor.

1:28 PM ∙ Jan 27, 2023





This isn’t surprising, considering that DeSantis himself has been known to cheerlead Bolton’s long history of, and involvement in questionable military and coup-instigating interventions overseas. Along with DeSantis himself overseeing illegal acts of torture of inmates during his time at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, DeSantis also broke with Trump on the Ukraine / Russia conflict, arguing that America isn’t doing enough to support Ukraine.


Meanwhile, as millions of Americans are facing poverty and homelessness, we have record high inflation in the United States, and an increasing amount of Americans can’t even afford gas for their cars and food for their children, our representatives in Washington DC have sent over $120 BILLION dollars of financial and military aid to Ukraine, which is not only beyond the definition of ENOUGH, but is also wildly unpopular among the American public. In comparison, President Trump is one of the only world leaders calling for peace between Russia and Ukraine.


Nobody should be surprised over DeSantis’s Ukraine cheerleading, considering that his former Press Secretary and current Rapid Response Director, Christina Pushaw, was forced to register as a foreign agent for a Ukrainian politician, and close ally of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (while working on Governor DeSantis’s re-election campaign).


In fact, while serving as Governor of Florida, in 2021, DeSantis sent a brigade of Army soldiers from the Florida National Guard to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers. The troops, known as “Task Force Gator”, were assigned to the 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, and were tasked with mentoring and training local forces as part of the “Joint Multinational Training-Group Ukraine”.


In 2013, while serving as member of the US Congress, prior to running for Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis wrote and signed onto a letter sent to then Secretary of State John Kerry, with several other members of Congress, including RINO Adam Kinzinger, in which he encouraged US intervention, anti-Russian, and anti-Putin escalatory acts of US foreign policy as a means of handling the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.


Now that Joe Biden has authorized the US sending 31 Abram tanks to Ukraine in their proxy war against Russia, there is a high likelihood that this war could escalate to Nuclear War, which would be life threatening to every citizen of the world.


Twitter avatar for @StateDept

Department of State


In the “Week at State,” @POTUS announces the U.S. will send 31 Abram tanks to support Ukraine, @SecBlinken speaks on U.S. Chairship of the @FO_Coalition, and @DeputySecState visits Cleveland to meet the Ukrainian diaspora community. For the latest, visit

5:00 PM ∙ Jan 28, 2023





President Trump understands that sending Abram tanks to Ukraine to escalate the war is a terrible idea, and will only serve to antagonize Vladimir Putin to possibly use nuclear weapons. In comparison, Ron DeSantis has a history of verbal attacks on Putin, and has pushed for military conflict with Putin and Russia.

Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:41 p.m. No.19353181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Twitter avatar for @fjb4587

Leskov Brandonovic


Congressman Ron DeSantis was very upset about Trump “being very positive about Putin”, wanted more lethal aids for Ukraine. Right now people are still suffering, while McConnell is still working hard to send more money to Ukraine. In the meantime this is the guy GOPe is pushing.

12:19 PM ∙ Dec 15, 2022





For this reason, Donald Trump took to his Truth Social account to call for an immediate end to the Ukraine/Russia war. He posted, “FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW. So easy to do!”


When Ron DeSantis inevitably files to run for President, challenging President Donald Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination, the biggest glaring difference between the two candidates will be President Trump’s record of de-escalating global conflict, and DeSantis’s eagerness to further escalate international wars and conflicts at the expense of the American taxpayers. Governor Ron DeSantis is deficient and unseasoned in his foreign policy experience, which is yet another reason why he is unfit and unprepared to be US President.


Ron DeSantis is NOT America First. Ron DeSantis is NOT “Trump-lite.” In fact, Ron DeSantis has plenty of his own political baggage and policy shortcomings, which is intentionally being concealed from the public via the GOP Establishment’s coordinated effort to deceptively portray him as “the future of the Republican Party” and “DeFuture”.


In summary, Ron DeSantis is a puppet of the military industrial complex who NeoCon warmongers like Former Ambassador John Bolton view as a vehicle to take down President Trump in an anti-MAGA, anti-America First, pro-establishment Coup d état, so they can restore their status quo of death and destruction overseas.

Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 4:41 p.m. No.19353183   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Writes Advocate Freedom

Jan 29

Liked by Laura Loomer

Excellent job as usual, Laura. I learned so much from your article. No wonder DeSantis never answered my many letters on election integrity in FL (electronic voting machines in every county, excessive mail-in voting and month long elections). No wonder he opposed forensic audits and won't appoint a decent Sec of State. I'm sure the GOP establishment is getting ready to select Ron over Trump in FL in 2024. If we don't have fair elections, the "free state of Florida" is nothing more than a campaign slogan.


Classic Groyper

Writes The Criminal Times

Jan 28

Quite the conundrum! I had ZERO idea DeSantis "allowed for, observed, and participated in illegal acts of human torture" during his time as Lt. Commander for the W. Bush administration. With enough evidence and exposure, DeSantis' presidential bid could potentially be stopped as is. In order for this to resonate well enough with the masses we'll need as much intel on this subject as we can get, otherwise, I'm not sure how well hearsay will hold up.


If DeSantis stays in the race, I can foresee him taking a pro-war stance (however slight that may be) so Trump can appear adamantly against it, giving a clear contrast between the two and who to vote for. I'm onboard with YE24, but having the establishment push the Trump-DeSantis "debacle" feels like it's out of spite and to detract from Ye's possible presidential run.


How will the masses perceive it all is what concerns me the most, and I still have some deep concerns in regard to Trump.

Anonymous ID: 87cdab Aug. 13, 2023, 5:04 p.m. No.19353323   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Feb 11, 2018 7:52:44 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 No. 343304

Feb 11, 2018 7:45:08 PM EST

Anonymous ID: c6d8b9 No. 343156

Feb 11, 2018 7:38:19 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 No. 343019


Chatter amongst those in control has begun.

They know we know which means the public will know.

Release prior to cover up.

Public informed and collapse.

Which option?



>Release prior to cover up.

>Public informed and collapse.

Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to60/40.the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it's worth keeping in mind.


Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world.

Knowing that, understand, by default,if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.

We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.



people are still overreacting and are deeply emotional… pfft

excellent that she is a patriot but… can see what Q meant about the majority not handling the truth…