Anonymous ID: e2b44c Aug. 13, 2023, 5:25 p.m. No.19353457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disbar, arrest and charge this "judge" for treason.

This isn't a judge, this is a political operative of the Democrat Party admitting to running election interference.

Anonymous ID: e2b44c Aug. 13, 2023, 5:30 p.m. No.19353482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Self-alienation -Projection -> Rail/Yell/Mock/Hate God for giving you birth and giving you death.

Portray world as 'prison', accept pain/suffering as the primal reality.

Then imagine God must be saying what is going on in the self-alienated mind.

Meme God as Agent Smith.

Portray God as primal 'enjoyer' of human pain/suffering/death.

Give middle finger to own projection.

Hope sheep trust logic as description and not a psychological projection of self-dismantling as something other than inconsistency/confusion masquerading as 'deepest insight' to Geist/Mind/God/Yahweh/'Lord'.

Anonymous ID: e2b44c Aug. 13, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19353732   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon listening to older 'nostaligic' songs and…a number of songs that ranked higher with the 'expert' 'critics' pushed in media as 'ranked by critics favorably'.


Anon wants to admit to possibly projecting, but…more of what I didn't pay attention to so much are now starting to sound like the writers are knowingly writing a radical resentment towards God code, and mislead viewers as to content transparency, in many instances covertly in addition to overt 'angry' music, but it's translated to sound like it's referencing happenings in their daily lives so the viewers don't notice, but are just supposed to go along with the songs' depressing negative thoughts about thoughts occurring in a body having a mortal life and death, and make up stories in their minds to attach it with.


Many songs sound like they're mocking their own viewers who have an idea of believing in a Good God. A 'how dare God' give the writer of the song a body that decays and dies, and all that coded logos is intended to be ingested by younger people as a 'pattern' to adopt, without them knowing the true source/intent, and they're supposed to echo the same and speak more about more struggle and more pain and more suffering in daily life, develop a resentful psychology for living at all, which is really a push towards more of it by the pattern of how to rail against reality, and all along it's just a projection of writers railing against their own mortality and attributing that hatred and angst onto something else, onto God, and so say God is hate but don't say it directly, say it indirectly and have listeners 'follow the stars'.


Musicians who are really voicing the output of a radical anti-God cult script writing source.


Any mind/philosophy/logic that 'requires' God in its source code logic, love or hate, praise or slander, is itself a demonstration of a perpetual reality that two millennia of railing against has not destroyed.




"For well over a hundred years, a large portion of academic philosophy has been devoted to explaining that philosophy is either impossible or useless or both. Thereby philosophy proves that it can safily and happily survive its own death by keeping itself busy proving that it has actually died. […] The farewell to philosophy never ends" Leszek Kolakowski


"For well over one thousand years, a large portion of the anti-God cult has been devoted to explaining that God is either impossible or useless or both, that they are the real gods. Thereby God proves that He can safely and happily survive His own death by keeping Himself busy proving that He has actually died. […] The farewell to God never ends" Leszek Kolakowski


How can they say God is a lie, while at the same time having a source code dependency on God that they 'need' to symbolize and then weaponize the symbolism, the blasphemy of them that say they are Gods, and are not, but a temple of satanic pedophiles?