Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:05 p.m. No.19354832   🗄️.is 🔗kun


one religion is the luciferian Fmason's goal. why do I even need to point that out around here? sheesh.

Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:22 p.m. No.19354903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4904 >>4958 >>5033


Justice is Coming for the Covid Conspiracists

The Mills of the Gods Grind Slow, But They Grind Exceeding Fine.


MAR 5, 2022

The Covid Conspiracists better buckle up. We’re coming for them. And for their children. And for the media, the medical establishment, the hospitals, public health officials. For Facebook. For Twitter. For Google. We are coming for all of them. Every last one will pay. The wealth transfer will be the greatest in history and it will change the world.

This week a court case in which I am a plaintiff, took a giant step forward when the appeals court told the government to stuff it, not come back with their whining and moaning, and get to freaking trial.

Fifty-four families, including my brothers and I are taking the government to court for experimenting on our parents and grandparents in the 50’s and 60’s, under the auspices of a CIA program called MKUltra.

I wrote a book about it The Monkey Puzzle Tree, went to DC, called up the files, sat in the National Archives and re-constructed what happened, despite the blacked out pages, the missing documents. The book was published in three countries by Knopf and Bloomsbury. Two of the profession’s most respected women editors held my hand through the terrifying process. I went on extensive press tours. Decades later I am still writing about it.

Dr. Ewan Cameron, one of the 20th century’s bad men, began treating my mother for anxiety after her first child died and ended 15 years later diagnosing her with advanced paranoid schizophrenia.

Cameron liked patients who were mildly mentally ill. He could misdiagnose them, whereupon the family and state would give him free rein. The mildly ill, the depressed, the alcoholic and anxious made excellent subjects for his experiments, some of which he innovated after touring the Nazi camps post-war with Allan Dulles, then head of the OSS which morphed into the CIA.

My mother did not have advanced paranoid schizophrenia, not even close. After he was summarily fired, and his demonic tentacles withdrew from our family, she arduously, heroically rebuilt her health. She never took another drug, not even aspirin, saw a therapist or went anywhere near a hospital ward.

But the damage had been done. Our childhoods were irretrievably blighted.

Cameron headed up the World Association of Psychiatry, the American Association of Psychiatry, and the International Association of Psychotherapists.

Which means if you had a parent ill during the 50s, 60s or 70s or even now, he or she was probably subjected to some form of Cameron’s brutalism.

He performed even more vicious medical experiments on orphans in Catholic Montreal, some of whom were native. Mohawk women have planted a stake outside his former psychiatric hospital demanding the excavation of the grounds, looking for their lost children. If found they will demand autopsies to see what killed them.

Cameron’s victims are relentless. They do not give up. Fifty years after his death, his crimes are still aired and re-aired in the press. Court case after court case materializes out of the gloom, all recount his crimes in detail. We sued the CIA, we are suing the Canadian government for the second time, we have broadened our suit to McGill University and the Royal Victoria Hospital, under whose auspices he worked. We are suing the CIA for the second time. If the men and women who carried out Cameron’s orders were still alive, we’d sue them. The government hides the files, lies and lies again, throws every obstacle in our way, and we don’t give up.

We don’t give up.

Are Cameron’s children and grandchildren wrapped in shame? Did they change their names? How do they forget what he did, how do they justify it in their minds? When they wake up at 3 am, do they feel the agony of their parent’s victims?

Because the children of those who forced the Covid conspiracy on the world are going to spend the rest of their lives living it down. Their family money will be vitiated either through legal fees or by court-ordered awards. We aren’t just coming for the institutions. We are coming for the individuals. Every single damned one of them. Even if the economy crashes, even if there is a world war. Justice is coming.



Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:23 p.m. No.19354904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4958 >>5033



The CDC has been warned that a suit charging criminal conspiracy is coming. Lawyer Reiner Fuelmich is in front of the International Criminal Court right now. He has launched suits in every country, including Canada. Naomi Wolf is running seminars on how to sue school board members for masking children. Do you think she is going to stop with that? Soon there will be webinars on how to sue every Covid conspiracist. Her lawyer is suing board members personally. Which opens the doors towards suing the bureaucrats who “were just following orders”. Fuelmich has the receipts summarized on his Telegram channel. He and his team have dedicated the last two years to collecting evidence.

We can already prove the connections that link the WEF to this mess. The links are so obvious that we can bully Blackrock and Vanguard. We can ally with the unfree Chinese and collapse the CCP. We can close the UN. We will take all their money and redistribute it to their victims.

In fifty years, society will be completely reordered.

Think it’s impossible?

Ten broken people sued the CIA.

And now we’re doing it again.

It’s very possible.

There are millions of us with a cause of action.

Every closed business has a cause of action. Every child condemned to masking for two years. Every person denied medical treatment by corrupt hospitals in lockdown.

A conservative estimate put the number of those who have died after the experimental shots at 350,000 in the US alone. Each of those families have been ruined. Each of those families has a cause of action.

Those damaged by the shot number in the US, around 1,250,000. Their families will bankrupt themselves taking care of them. Each of those families has a cause of action.

Three-quarters of those who died, didn’t have to. If they had been given ivermectin or hydroxy-chloroquine immediately, they would have lived. The evidence of that is overwhelming. All those families have a cause of action.

Every doctor who refused that treatment, who took government bribes to prescribe Remdesivir and then watched his patients die, will pay. So will his hospital.

Every public health official who forbade Ivermectin and kept their jurisdictions locked down long after it was sensible is liable. All of them will spend the rest of their days in regret.

All the vaccine companies will be ruined and closed.

Every barking virtue-signaling celebrity will be shamed.

Do you understand how much spiritual power and physical energy comes from fighting evil? It is addictive. It is life-changing. It is everything. Nothing else comes close.

Tens of thousands of people will dedicate their lives to seeking justice. In our latest suit, two people got the ball rolling, and are prevailing against massive power and unlimited money.

No one will be able to “control the narrative”.

The alternative media, the so-called “right wing media” will become the media.

The Globe and Mail, the CBC, NBC, BBC, the New York Times, every single media outfit will be sued into extinction for pushing the lock-downs and poison shots. Their lying killed hundreds of thousands because of delayed medical treatment, depression, battery, alcoholism, job losses, bankruptcy, losing their houses, their jobs, their businesses, their lives.

Every employer who forced vaccines will pay.

The digital overlords will be plundered for censoring the truth and killing people. Google, Facebook and Twitter will collapse under the weight of the lawsuits.

Oprah better buckle up. Because her fortune is at risk.

Entire sectors of the economy will die.

Governments experimenting on their citizens is the most fundamental crime, worse than murder. The Covid conspiracy is a crime so vicious and evil, that it cannot be forgotten. It will be fully and completely aired.

“Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”

Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:33 p.m. No.19354946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I mistakenly replied to you once without checking your post history, now I know you're just a demoralization shill.


Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:39 p.m. No.19354972   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The Whiskey Rebellion was a violent tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 during the presidency of George Washington. The so-called "whiskey tax" was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government. Wikipedia.

>just wanna point out….

Anonymous ID: 15db82 Aug. 13, 2023, 10:45 p.m. No.19355000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Whiskey Rebellion was a violent tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 during the presidency of George Washington. The so-called "whiskey tax" was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government. Wikipedia



