IDK but land-wise, I do know the Big Island is bigger than all of the other islands combined. I got to visit there when my son was working on a coffee bean farm on what is referred to as "the agricultural side." Was amazed by a lot of things, but not the least of which was the range of geological features from one side of the island to the other. Ag side was lush with plant life and it rained pretty much every day. Ocean was lovely but beaches harder to get to due w/o four wheel drive. Opposite side was desert-like, bare lava rock with yucca-type plants sticking up out of the ground here and there with the ocean in the foreground. (This was the resort area.) Up north was "cowboy country" where a lot of beef ranches are. Not at all unusual to see native Hawaiians sporting cowboy hats there and the steaks were to die for. In between the perimeter of the island is one main road to cross Volcanoes big and small along the way.
Pretty sure I read Obama's place was on the Big Island. Not sure which town but if I had to guess it would be on the Kona side.
Also something I found interesting about Hawaii: the Big Island, at least at that time: the cops didn't have police cars. They used their own cars which they just plopped the cherry on top if chasing after someone. Their cars were all hot rods/super chargers, too.
They kind of stuck out because everyone else drove jalopies or grubbed rides. There was a lot of ride swapping. I myself rented an old 4-WD truck with over 200K miles b/c I did not want to appear like a tourist and I wanted to my son to be able to take to remote spots. Still, It was common courtesy to announce where you were going and when you were coming back in case anyone local needed a ride either way or round trip even. Again, I was this was the Ag side, populated predominantly by native Hawaiians.
I was wrong. Obama's mansion is on Oahu.
Interesting piece here about how his friend, Marty Nesbitt, loopholed environmental laws to get it.